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Head Wreck

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Everything posted by Head Wreck

  1. sobering up so i can tackle staircases
  2. sobering up. £55 gone on southern comfort in one sitting
  3. pondering the thank you parcell's contents for phee and rayne
  4. chuckling to myself that rayne is still laughing at said item on the wall
  5. update on the above: http://www.usembassy.org.uk/cons_new/visa/...onvictions.html phew
  6. cousin mentioned something about US entry under the VWP that has me paranoid. searching wheather a speeding ticket is an offence that needed to be declared and a visa application filled... bollocks. hope not. i want to go back to the US and not have this prevent it
  7. my second cousin is down. clearing out my room so he and his GF can stay.... i've had 5 hours in that bed...
  8. sitting around configuring a game server
  9. friday just gone by. i think i'll go again
  10. gpd i must have been drunker than i am now with that grammar
  11. www.goatonapole.com i've seen the light
  12. HA! my copy of enemy by kristeen young has arived. the mid point between meet miss young and her all boy band and breasticles. i'm liking lots. an earlier version of incubator on this. odd drumming timings and a cookee-er sound. not so sure on this track... pref the newer version
  13. ami demon - danzig the evil elvis is king
  14. Mad Macs and i are going out tonight to celebrate his birthday which it tomorow then i'm off away again. so before someone else beats me to it. happy birthday ozzy
  15. oh definatly yes. i have worked out that i can lick my own elbow. do i have too much free time?
  16. pondering where i left things and wishing it was saterday not sunday
  17. its dark outside. theres a guy parked up outside my house again... good ol paranioa is seriously kicking in
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