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Head Wreck

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Everything posted by Head Wreck

  1. frustrated. the publisher of boys toys is producing a new magazine in may that will inevitably bring my hobby out of the underground and populate it with idiots who'll get it banned by some mass hysteria vote winning law being passed do you think its a bad idea with lots of cunts starting airsoft
  2. Celts dont you realise that in the bogs in norethern scotland people burn more often than on the beach due to altitude and water washing of sun protection
  3. i know your stressed. and damn should be how come phee only speaks moon languiage in the "other" thread
  4. seems to be easier to confuse by the day. this happens when she hasnt "panned" someone in a while with an iron pan
  5. burnning of leaves, OOD docs with sensative details etc. thats the second time today she's used the confused smiley in response to me. is this getting a habit
  6. loves her husband aside from odd goofup (which we all do, its something to do with a missing bit o chromosone that fell of the 'Y')
  7. i'm a horder. in process of getting rid of a years accumilated junk/documents dont you just hate it when nieghbourss have a yard fire and dont tell you when you have washing drying
  8. i might actually get round to re-assembling some things left lying about do you hoarde junk or are you sensible with what possetions you keep
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