where the heck is that corset.
i hope the exchange rate recovers to what it used to be
why cant i be from the rich side of the family
do i take a small loan to help at a larger interest
or a larger loan at a smaller interest and feret the excess away in my tax free bank acount
That I should start seriously talking to the US embasy to see what I need to get to have our mariage legaly recognised by the time I come back this year
i noticed thier starting to use tarmac last time i was down.
its all well and doesnt crack under expansion and contraction like concrete but they have to think about the wieght and speed of the trucks passing over it. we dont use tarmac with that much tar on our highways
glad the the Externals new job seems to be better received than working for ass hole racist slave-drivers (and hey, without a challenge there's no impetus to grow and get good sense of achievement)
missing my wife.
feeling disillusioned about my current role and hopeful for one of the three jobs i'm chasing
wanting to pamper my wife
i wants tea, but coffee will do
finding a good home for kitty wompus.
not being there for my wife.
my staffie whom is sick
not being able to hold my wife close right now
the impacts of the extended overtime getting funds quicker but reducing my time at home with the only connection to my wife
not being able to snuggle upto and wake up with my wife for what seems like far far too long
what can i say, my wife's dedication to me had me with happiness, love and all that.
i love my wife, she completes me, she mirror many facets, and completes my shortcomings. i just wish i had her skill in making words work.
Angel, I Love you