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Head Wreck

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Everything posted by Head Wreck

  1. me male, me hit things hur hur hur *walks of dragging knuckles on floor* why the hell cant the guitarist helping me write stuff do anything other than a very WASP influenced sound...
  2. noticed i didnt know that rhymed. (wow... i made a rhyme, could this be the end of my writters block.... nope. damn)
  3. i grad collage, and dropped out of second year of uni due to financial and personal reasons (my girlfriend who i still love slept with my mate and i drank all my money) women allways cheat on me. why do i bother
  4. no, i'm sure he knows what it feels like, or fears being put in that possition, just us men dont think beyong the whiskey glass at times ever given anyone a head injusry so bad they cant remember you
  5. pull a door of its hinges to throw at someone. single handed. and it was asbestos filled nearly got thrown out of collage for that ever go into rages so bad that you cant remember anything
  6. yes, live life to the fullest with honour why do people suck nowerdays? i'm fed up of liars. are you?
  7. written on a wall in 16 birchfield drive, maidstone, kent, England UK why do i keep forgetting to ask questions
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