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Head Wreck

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Everything posted by Head Wreck

  1. Razed In Black - Damaged followed by some W.A.S.P
  2. i taw itaw a putty tat cweepin up on me I DID I DID... am i the only one who knows that song? did i dream it up after a night of absinth?
  3. yes. nothing like throwing a cherrybob down the hopred pantalloons of a clown prank was funny yes?
  4. on a usless info note. medival swords were expensive and blunt. the spear isnt thrown, javelins are my choice would be the welsh longbow, need to train since childhood to use them but they were more deadly than the english bows, and hence thier deployment allong with welsh mercanaries at adgincourt
  5. who?, Where? gonna sound odd, but have you ever dated one of your stalkers before? (after they stalked you)
  6. doesnt know i'm the bigest prude ever and is joining a band with nutority for "motley Crue Morals"
  7. trying to organize band practices for not my band, and organising a big pissup on new years. rest of time is family time to stop myself moping about spending holidays single or without robyn in the area bah humbug? why cant it be bah Sherbert drops?
  8. svenia. it blisters skin on contact, and is highly flamable notjhing like entering a house to find one friend with the shower hose concentrated on his trousder crotch, 3 people KO'ed and 2 people on fire wild nights happen to everyone or just the celts?
  9. sort of, i get everyone together, i drink fatal dose of wormwood, coupled with half a bottle of JD and a mug of magic punch and let my co-organiser take over CPR yours?
  10. probably doesnt want to try 15 shots of absinthe and a pint of magic punch before the whiskey :D
  11. definatly the internal combustion engine the oval crank-cog on bikes rok! have you used them
  12. used to be. nowerdays i just hate for 1/2 second then back to normal un-emotional me emotion are bad?
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