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Head Wreck

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Everything posted by Head Wreck

  1. rain. excuse to wear my ridiculously OTT greatcoat and hat. i dont mind getting wet either. favourate climate.
  2. TAi Chi commin up! *dives into room wielding a sword*
  3. yes. nowerdays i gear up and book myself at an airsoft game and insist on beyonet charging. getting shot to pieces, falling flat on my back and laughing at myself. ever had a psychotic laughing fit for no reason?
  4. roadkill and oven scrapings. i'm skint. what would you do with a couple of million bucks?
  5. se above fore aiver said to me. cruelist thing i ever did. however was to go on the rebound with said woman with a girl who was crazy about me and just suddenly one day stop phoning her or meeting her. just dropped of the face of the earth. i swore i'd never do that again single syndrome? how bad do you suffer from it
  6. Phee's post as in effect pedals or fast fourier co-processors. i dont use many effects pedals tbh, i rely on amplifier drive and lots of settings. as to IC's. Texas instrements. to dynos post: when a girl i love said she feels the same then publicly denies that anything went on between us. that was the killer diet or gym?
  7. in a castle made out of the dried bones of thoise who opose my claim to godhood :D castles... cool huh?
  8. i like tartar sauce, but only in right places. fetch me some ration pack coffee. i have sudden urges again to go shoot stuff
  9. sorry. must remember to bring a bathrobe into the shower next time do you get wierd urges to pour hot pots of tea on unsuspecting friends when walking past a seated friend with a pot of hot tyea in your hand
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