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Everything posted by LadyKay

  1. I came across this person's videos on You Tube and found them to be very interesting. She is a mortician and runs her own funeral home. She has some really good topics on death, funerals, what happens to bodies all sorts of stuff like that. It is fascinating and done in away that is both entertaining and informative. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi5iiEyLwSLvlqnMi02u5gQ
  2. Yeah its not a big thing. Some what interesting though. I guess some people can't handle their topics being debated. I am more amused by it then hurt.
  3. Not a big deal. In fact it seems kind of petty to me. But any way. First off I have to explain that I am not a Trump supporter. So anyone who post pro-Trump stuff on my FB wall gets a comment from me about what I think about Trump. Well that has not sit well with some of my FB friends who support Trump and or his policies.. So they post all this pro-Trump stuff and after a few comments from me, they end up unfriending me. But I just can't. I simply can not just sit back and ignore what they say. It is not in my nature to do so. So I guess, that is just how it has to be.
  4. I was leaving the park yesterday after I took my daughter to the swimming pool there, when I saw a large white truck back right into the back of my Jeep! It look like they were going to take off so I ran after them yelling "hey"! They stop and it turn out to be a teenage girl who was very upset. She said she was sorry for hitting my car and that she was driving her father's truck. I got her info and left it at that. She put a dent in the bumper but my Jeep is 20 years old ,so I'm not worried about a dent in the bumper. It will now match the dent on the side of it that my husband put in it when he back into it a few years ago. Along with the slash of red paint from his car.
  5. My husband dose contract work for a company. The company hires him out to to job sites. My husband then invoices the company at the end of the week charging them for the work he dose. Well it seems this week the person who dose the payments is on vacation. So there is no one to write out a check for his pay. We are down to almost nothing. Until he gets paid. Which may not be until Monday or whenever the person gets back from vacation. I am rather upset about this. I told my husband they need to have someone fill in for this person cause they just can't leave people without pay checks! I don't know. I am just very upset about it.
  6. https://www.wxyz.com/news/operation-ghost-rider-police-will-ride-in-unmarked-cars-to-target-distracted-drivers?fbclid=IwAR0g2teqpVmLiTAdkLY0mweRJ-VcsAgnaq_9zyEikCwc2QIg11C7tcgCi78
  7. My daughter will be going to high school this Fall. I can look through the post I made on this forum and I see there is one I posted on here about her being in kindergarten. And now she is starting high school. 😱
  8. I'm back in Michigan. Dang it is cold up here.
  9. I want to post something but I don't have anything to talk about.
  10. Just discovered "The Last Kingdom" on Netflix and have become obsess with it.
  11. Yeah. I'm in Ohio right now and the nearest place you can take pop cans to recycle and get some cash is 20 miles away. Most people don't bother with it and you can find pop cans all over the place.
  12. A hot cup of tea sounds nice right now.
  13. Yeah you need Netflix. You can just get it for a month, then if you don't like it you can cancel it.
  14. The Haunting of Hill House viewers claim Netflix series is so scary they want to vomit https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/haunting-of-hill-house-netflix-series-horror-scary-vomit-shirley-jackson-a8594336.html
  15. The Haunting Of Hill House. Anyone else watching this? I now have to sleep with the lights on.
  16. My 13 year old daughter wants a pet Tarantula ! I may lose goth points for this but I am not a spider person. Snakes, rats, I am okay with them. But not spiders. Of course my husband thinks it is a cool ideal . I told them if we get one and it escapes that will be the end of everything. I will go sleep outside in my Jeep. Anyway, anyone here have a pet Tarantula? Anything I should know before I get talked into this? πŸ•·οΈπŸ•ΈοΈ
  17. A family member was charged with inducing panic. This came about because she flipped out and climbed up to the top of a very high wall and refused to come down. She did this with her 11 year old daughter watching her. Her daughter was freaking out, all upset, screaming at her mom to come down off the wall. Her daughter called a friend and explain to her what was going on. The friend called the cops as did some other people who saw what was going on. When the cops showed up and told her to get down, she refused to do so. So the cops went up and got her down by force. She ended up getting arrested and spent the night in jail. She was charged with "inducing panic" which she pleaded "not guilty" to and now has upcoming court dates. This was thought to be a suicide attempt. I always thought that the cops would take someone like that to a mental health place not to jail. But I have never done such a thing so I do not know. Anyway that is the story.
  18. I've just been so caught up in things. You guys were there for me when I was going through all that bad stuff with my in-laws. Now I feel bad that I do not have time to post more on here. But I have not forgotten you all and I try to pop in and read stuff. The "what are you thinking" is a good thread. Because I am always thinking about something. But anyway, I will see what I can do get post more.
  19. Hi. You guys are the only people I can talk to about subjects like this without freaking out on me. So anyway, how do you deal with someone who threatens suicide when they don't get want they want from you. Stuff like if you don't answer your phone when I call I'm going to kill myself. Or if you don't come to see me this weekend I am going to kill myself. I mean how do you handle something like that? Anyway, just looking for some input on what maybe an up coming issue with somebody. Nothing to worry about.
  20. MOO! I felt like mooing so I did. MOO! πŸ„
  21. Had to leave the pool early because somebody poop in the pool. πŸ˜¬πŸ’©
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