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Everything posted by LadyKay

  1. I hope I do not offend anyone but this caught my attention on youtube. It is from the 1950s. A public service announcement film about the dangers of homosexuals.
  2. My husband and I have some dear friends, to whom I am grateful for. But I am envious of them. I see them and I cannot help but think that this is how our lives would had been, if the company my husband had worked for had not closed down causing our finances to go to hell in a hand basket along with it. They live the life that I think I should be living. With a nice house with landscaping and a jungle gym in the back yard for the kids. They are very good friends willing to help us out in a jam and have at times done so. I feel I shouldn't be feeling this way but I do. I want to be them. I want the life that they have! I see them and in the back of my mind I think because I do not dare say it, "That should be us." But it's not. And as much as I love them and enjoy being around them, I feel a bit sad in seeing the life that I think that we should have, but we don't. I feel so bad about how I feel. I really do.
  3. Yeah, thats's me! I have thought this way long before I even knew that I was a Libertarian.
  4. I have been wanting to loss weight so I thought I would give the Slim Fast shakes a try. I had one for breakfast and one for lunch. With in a few hrs after drinking them I became extremely hungry. I mean I want to eat everything I see hungry! But I was trying so hard to just have the shake for breakfast and lunch and nothing else until supper time. It didn't work. I just became more and more hungry until I gave in and started eating stuff. I then started to get headaches everyday. After a few weeks of this I just couldn't do it anymore. The hungry was over powering and I was taking medication for the headaches every day. I gave up on the Slim Fast shakes and went back to eating as a normally do. I heard that Slim Fast has worked for other people so maybe I just didn't do it right?
  5. I seen it yesterday. It has a mixer of history in it as well as the vampire story, and I felt that they mixed to two fairly well. It's not the best vampire movie Iv'e seen and not at all scary. But it makes for a good story and kind of makes you wonder if it could have been possible that Abraham Lincoln was a vampire hunter. I saw it in 3D but I don't think it makes for a great 3D movie. What I mean is I don't think seeing it in 3D adds anything to the movie. That's not to say it was a bad movie, but I think 2D would have been just fine for this movie. So I would say that if you're looking for something to do this weekend and want to take in a movie, I would recommend Abraham Lincoln the Vampire Hunter.
  6. Hey are they for real. Cause I could use some extra money and I am stuck here at home .
  7. I agree with what all of you are saying. Though my mother in law thinks that my husband and me are anti-social and anti-family. Last night I got a lecture by her on "how family works" when she once again has gotten invited to a 3rd. cousin's wedding that my husband does not even know, and insisting that we can show up even though we have not been sent an invite. She says it is RSVP and says she can just put our names down on the invite. She says everyone will be asking why we are not there. I said since neither the bride or groom know who we are, they wont miss us. After all it is they're wedding not the family's. Well thanks for letting me vent my family drama.
  8. I went to a welding store and got a #14 shade plate for some welding goggles. Make sure it is #14, lower then that will fry your eyes.
  9. Okay this is no big deal but it bugs me a little. My mother in law is always being invited to weddings in the family. People like her sister in law's cousin, or grandson is getting married or who ever not sure how they are related to us but they are if you know what I mean. Most of the time I do not know any of these people and my husband only knows them by name. Anyway , My mother in law gets a wedding invitation and she says that on the invitation it is address to her and family. She says that since it is address to "family" that my husband and I are invited as well. But I feel that since I nor my husband personally get an invitation and we do not live in the same house or same state as my mother in law, that it is not really important for us to be there and we are not really invited in the first place. When I got married I made sure that every adult person got their own invitation personally. Especially if they lived in different households. Even if they are my cousin and I sent one to my aunt's house already. If they have their own address they should get their own invitation. Thoughts on this matter?
  10. No need to spank me I got it! I posted it in the Religious ROFL topic. See I do have a sense of hummer.
  11. A few months ago my husband who has been without health insurance bought some from a well know insurance company. He made his payment to them (which was not cheap) just like he is supposed to do. A few weeks ago he made a dr. appointment because he felt something just wasn't right. The dr. thought that he could have diabetes and order test to be done. Today he got a letter from the insurance company saying they will not cover the cost of the dr. visit or the testing because they claim it was a pre existing condition! This is crap! He has never been tested for diabetes! How can they claim that it is pre existing condition? So much good it does to have health insurance. What he paid out to them could have gone to this medical bill that they refuse to cover which is around $1000.00. Bunch of crooks! I want the money back from them so I can pay this freaken bill!
  12. Oh okay I see. I'll give it a go and see what happens. Thanks! Hey maybe we're related? LOL Joking, I'm actually not from here, just moved up here a few years ago. Nice place for people like me who hate the city. I rather watch cows then people.
  13. I have been trying to embed a video from you tube but for the life of me I can't get it to work. What do I need to do here?
  14. Nearly all of my friendships go down the same path. I meet someone, hit it off with them, then both of us have a great time hanging around together being best friends to each other Then after 4 or 5 years its over. Something happens like they meet someone else and there is no room for me. Or they move away or just up and leave and I never see or hear from them again. It has always been like that. A great, close, loyal,friendship for about 5 years then its over. Then I am left empty and hollow inside.
  15. Okay, I 'm sick now and need to lay down. I just got done eating a hot dog with beans for dinner. I should not have read this.
  16. [ I didn't do that. The spell check on my computer told me it was wrong and I clicked the fix spelling button and that's what happen.
  17. I just want to get someone else's opinion on this. My 6 year old is in first grade. Through out the school year she brings home reports and projects that need to be done and turn in by a due date. These reports and projects always require the parent's input. They are not something that a 1st grader can do all on their own. This past weekend my daughter had to pick out an animal and write a report about it. A letter was sent home to the parent explaining to the parent what the report was about and that their child would need their help in completing the report. For example this report required research be done either at the library or on the internet. So a parent had to be there for them in order for the report to be done. Although I do not mind so much having to help my child with these things. I think it is a bit unfair to some children. I mean some kids have parents that simply don't give a crap and wont take the time to help their kid with the report. The 1st grader cannot complete the report on their own and then have to go to school and face their teacher and explain why their report is not done. And it would not have been the fault of the kid. But they are the ones who will have to be facing the teacher. I think that the teacher should only assign homework that a kid can do on their own. It's hard enough to grow up having parents that are not their for you and don't give a crap as it is without making the kid feel like a failure because they could not get a school report done because of their parent's refusal to help.
  18. My husband and I just got back from a friend's. They got pizza for us and then when we got ready to leave, they box up the left overs for us to take home. Our friends next door neighbor's teenage boy showed up and was playing around in our friend's driveway with a skateboard. He looked to be around 15 maybe 16 years old. Well, we were all walking out to the car to leave and nether myself nor my husband really wanted the pizza since we already have left over pizza at our house. Our friend's didn't want it so we offered it to this teenage boy who was hanging out in their driveway. The boy was very happy to get the pizza, he said thank you and ran over to his house calling out to his father who was outside saying "look I got free pizza." The father then came over to our friends and jumped on them about how his son as an eating disorder and won't stop eating. And now you guys gave him free pizza! The guy then got mad and stormed off. I said we did not mean to cause an issue between our friends and their neighbor. But I find it strange for someone to get mad about being given free pizza. I told my husband I just don't understand people I guess. If he did not want his son to have the pizza he should have taken it from him and politely return it to us. I mean how are we supposed to know his kid has a nonstop eating disorder? Don't all teenage boys have nonstop eating? This is why I avoid people. Their just weird.
  19. I found this interesting thought you would too. http://autos.yahoo.com/news/meet-allan-hill--the-man-who-lives-in-detroit%E2%80%99s-abandoned-packard-auto-plant.html
  20. Atheists, offended by a religious group who blessed a highway use "unholy water" to wash away the group's blessing. http://www.baynews9.com/content/news/baynews9/news/article.html/content/news/articles/bn9/2012/3/17/offended_by_religiou/?hpt=us_bn5
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