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Everything posted by LadyKay

  1. I saw it! My husband called me at 4:30am this morning when he was on his way to work and told me about it. I got out of bed to watch.
  2. LOL! When I first read the headline of this story I thought it was going to show an actual Nazi flag printed on some Christmas paper. Which I thought would be kind of strange.
  3. A woman says her Christmas wrapping paper is full of swastikas. This is just more proof that people are ignorant. Read Full Story Here!
  4. hmmmm.....I must be looking in the wrong place. I see more research is needed.
  5. Okay here's the deal. Lets just say that a person can get a part time job that won't pay all the bills but will make some money to help out. But the thing is is that this person would only be making about $8.00-9.00hr. and they need to have a baby sitter. The cost of the baby sitter is somewhere like $7.00hr. Would this person working the part time job be making much of a difference in the bill paying department if they took the part time job anyway? Also gas money for transportation too and from work would need to be considered as well. What do you think?
  6. Well watching cows can get kind of boring. (LOL)
  7. Okay well that's cool and all but why would I need something like that? Why would I want my car to go driving without me?
  8. And this is exactly the reason why I am becoming more of a shut in.
  9. Last night I went to turn on my husband's old computer that I use to play games on and the power supply blew up! It scared me to death! The back of the computer had smoke coming out of it! Well no gaming for me for a while.
  10. Does it mean that something is wrong with me if I thought that video was funny?
  11. People have complain that a suicide scene a at haunted house display is to disturbing and in in poor taste. Forgive me if I am wrong but I always thought that haunted house displays at Halloween time were suppose to be disturbing and frighting. I don't get people, I really don't. If this sort of thing upset someone then my advice is do not go. Read Story Here
  12. The bodies are piling up in the morgue freezers. Families do not have the money to bury their love ones. http://money.cnn.com/2009/10/01/news/economy/_morgue/index.htm
  13. Yeah we did a home affordability program thing too and never heard anything back nether. That was about 4 months ago. Wonder if anyone got any help from that?
  14. About 2 years ago my husband and I was on the verge of losing our house. By some miracle we manage to work out a repayment plain with the mortgage company just 1 day before the house was to go up for auction. We spent the next 6 months paying back on the repayment plain. We paid off the payment plain, went back to regular payments and things were going okay. A bit tight at times but okay. About a month ago my husband got laid off from his job. He got called back for a few days of work then got laid off again! Needles to say we have falling behind a few months on our mortgage payment and they are threatening us with foreclosure once again! We have sent off paper work to them bagging them to work with us. My husband believes his work will be picking up by next month. So we are at a wait and see what happens state. I barley made it through the last time we went through this. I don't know if I can do get through this again. We only have 2 more car payments until the car is paid off. But that is going to be late also. I keep seeing myself living in a tent somewhere. I don't know why I am bothering you all with this. I guess I just need to tell someone what is going on. I really hate all of this. Sorry...
  15. Oh them poor animals. You know other dogs are laughing at them.
  16. I think the problem is that today in our modern world a lot of people have forgotten where food comes from. The school was established to teach all aspects of farming life. slaughtering animals for food production is an one of the aspects of farming life. These kids seem to have learn that. Which shows that the school has done it's job.
  17. You could make one yourself. I found a link that give instructions. It might be helpful. http://www.gothfashion.info/parasol.php
  18. wooo my real name is on that list and its meaning fits me.
  19. Really? My father was named Jack. I was going to name my baby Jack after my father if it turn out to be a boy. I had a girl and named her Trinity from the Matrix movie. But I do suggest Jack as a good name for a boy.
  20. I grew a garden this year. This morning I picked green beans and got them ready for the freezer. In a few weeks I hope the corn and the tomato's are ready. I like the ideal of being self reliant.
  21. A Banana spider really! He is gone now. I looked for him but he must of moved on.
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