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About EAF

  • Birthday 03/06/1989

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  • Relationship Status
    In a Relationship
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  • Interests
    Music (all kinds), Psychology, Mythology, Physics...yes Physics, Reading, Drawing, Writing, meeting new people and many other things which you will have to ask me about to find out.

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  1. TronRP

    Have a Happy Birthday ^_^

  2. TronRP

    Happy Birthday :D

  3. TronRP

    Sending Birthday Wishes :)

  4. Blarg! But overall things are not bad just feel blah right now.
  5. EAF

    lol Hi! And I happen to like smiley faces. :p


  6. TronRP

    smiley face alert :)

  7. I'm going to be at CC tonight come say hi if your there. :p

  8. EAF

    My art

    I really love the blue heart necklace and love the weaving on the sides of it. As far as the paintings I really love the first, second, and sixth ones. Keep up the good work!
  9. Lucky...i'm lucky i'm not actually getting evicted, i'm lucky to have people who love me, and i'm lucky I still have a job I guess...I do feel grateful today even though I feel achy.
  10. Kinda blah and sad? Maybe it's the heat getting to me lol.
  11. I like to collect knives and have taken some weapons fighting techniques with my martial arts instructor. Mostly basic self-defense against knives and guns and kali escrima which can be used with any weapon. I also used to do retan (spelling?) sword fighting with a medieval reenactment group.
  12. Video- Too many to name, but I love anything almost. These are the types I play a lot RPG, FPS, TPS, dungeon crawlers, puzzle games, ect. Including handheld systems. Tabletop- Starting Pathfinder soon. I want to play Warhammer 50k. And currently have been doing a lot of D&D 3.5 with one Star Wars campaign but not sure what system that runs off of officially. Card- Used to play Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh. Play mostly Magic the Gathering now though. I also like board games like ImagineIF, Seven Deadly Sins, monopoly, would you rather, ect.
  13. I'm playing Mass Effect 1 right now and then will play 2 and 3. I started Bioshock over it has been forever since I played it. I am so bad at finishing games lol. I have also been playing a DOTA inspired free online game called League of Legends as of late since some friends of mine recently found it. I also have been playing some Killing Floor or Steam when I have a little down time.
  14. I'm technically pro-choice but don't think people should use abortions as birth control. Which is dangerous for women to do anyway.
  15. I recently got a vintage old pair of leather combat boots from a solider who was deployed to war. Although I don't remember which one at the moment lol. They are pretty comfortable and worn but were pretty much useless in war itself. They were used for a while but then later replaced by better ones.
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