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Everything posted by Jadis

  1. Jadis

    Cliche Game....

    fell down the ugly tree and hit every branch
  2. I'd say that you are having a hard time because you keep going back to someone who's hurt you in the past. It's time to cut the strings and find someone NEW. Examine yourself and what you think you've done wrong in those relationships. Think about what it was about the other person that you didn't click with... and think about the things you did click with. Then try to find someone who has the good things and not the bad. Everyone is different but the only person you can change is you. Was that too wordy?
  3. just got real dark here in the last 30 minutes and it's windy.... I'm sure it'll start raining soon... cause it always rains when I leave my windows down ....
  4. Jadis

    Cliche Game....

    kill two birds with one stone
  5. ... right now I'm starting to worry that Pharoh may have an unhealthy obsession with The Sopranos.
  6. see.... I told you they could fix ya.
  7. doctors in general suck. u should let Phee and Odims take a look... they'll fix ya good.
  8. starting another lovely day at the office
  9. Jadis

    Cliche Game....

    Money can't buy you love
  10. hope you start feeling better soon munin!!
  11. Jadis

    Cliche Game....

    you can't fool a fool
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