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Everything posted by Jadis

  1. I'm talking to Pharoh and about to go get dressed so we can go grab lunch.
  2. someone told me that he thinks i'm very attractive! Go me! woo!
  3. giggity giggity giggity ..... allllllright
  4. beginning my day at work... trying to decide what I want to do tonight... decisions, decisions....
  5. today seems like a peanut butter & jelly lunch day.
  6. looking at a list of possible houses that was left on the counter for me.
  7. *waves* Hello.

  8. bombs... bombs... bombs...
  9. trying to concentrate on work... obviously isn't working... trying to stay awake at my desk. listening to some music
  10. ahh... and so begins another lovely day of poking around DGN. ;o)
  11. just got the kids fed, bathed, and in bed .. now I finish the laundry and go to sleep. early morning.
  12. is there a "make my hand feel better" cophee?
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