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Everything posted by hunhee

  1. OMG Guys in Wranglers are the Hawt!!! (my bf drives one ) I wouldn't probably change my life so much. Put most of it in the bank, live off the interest.. Put up a trust fund for my bf's daughter.. Be in a constant state of vacation.. Probably just rent them, cause I can. (no up-keep hassle and cost, and I am free to travel where-ever). I would quit my job, and do volunteer work.. I like to keep busy.
  2. Umm.. what day is/was this?? Just curious.. We can put it at least in the title. Ahh.. September 11th??
  3. I live like 3 miles north of there, I'll probably just walk down and come check you out.
  4. When you're stressed, your body goes into shock, thus causing your metabolism to be in shock and your body to retain weight. Everything that you eat, gets converted immediately into stored fat. It sucks, but that's your body's way of surviving. How do you think we as a species has survived as well as we have? Our bodies are pretty much programed to do this stress thing to survive. Granted it's not a whole lot of use at this point in our existence, considering food is never farther than a .99 burger away, but in the days of hunter/gatherers (what we've been genetically conditioned to be) there were times of feast and then there were times of great famine. Our bodies survived by going into shock, storing any available every into fat so that we could survive until the next feasting time. We've been surviving like this a heck of a lot longer than we've had trans fats, and all this abundance that we currently have now. Our bodies are not adjusting to it very well and thus we are becoming fatter and fatter due to excess.
  5. Hey, I miss you and Marc, where have you been hiding out at? hehe.. *HUGS*

  6. I can say that I'm 34 years old, and do not have one gray hair. It's not that I don't have stress in my life, I just don't understand it. Some of my girlfriends have a full head of gray, started when they were in their twenties. I would just blame genetics, but their sisters/brothers are not in the same boat.. what gives?
  7. Yeah, I <3 movies based off comics.. They're always superbly entertaining, even if they're bad.
  8. Stress helps you retain weight.. doesn't that suck?
  9. Sounds interesting, I wouldn't mind helping out.
  10. I use bare minerals onyx eye liner.. with the thicker brush (it's powder, but you can add water and use it like a liquid). I love it. Don't know how much it costs, probably a lot. I bought it a long time ago. It has lasted me a very long time (I wear it most days, even if I'm not wearing anything else, eye-liner is a necessity), even it if cost me like $17 I think I've had the same container for like 5 years, break that down, and it's probably worth the money, just for that fact.
  11. I believe that it's constantly in a state of change. Things you can't see, things you can see on occasion. Troy is always tinkering with features and stuff. I believe the "under construction" is a constant state. Just like everything is in an state of constant flux. This is kinda like Troy's magnum opus, he's most of the time, trying to make it better, between episodes of feeling sick.
  12. Sex in space sounds intriguing..
  13. This is awesome!! I'm very happy for you! I still have a long journey ahead of me. You looked fantastic the last time I saw you! I have fallen off the exercise wagon this week, probably cause I've got a new injury, somehow I thought doing cartwheels when drunk was a good idea, so good that after I did the first one and hurt myself, I attempted to do four more. I've definitely pulled a muscle. I've been hanging low just trying to heal, I've got a backpacking trip coming up, and I don't want it to suck. All in all, this will not stop me from my journey of being fit.
  14. *hides lamp*

  15. I had a great time, some great people showed up that I hadn't seen in a while, so that's awesome! I have to say, DJ Pulse State, you played one mean set, thank you. I really enjoyed it. The band that was there, the first song completely turned me off to them, even though the following songs weren't so bad, it made me leave the room, and I wasn't about to stand back up to go back in to check out the rest of the songs, because they may have disappointed me again.. (which could have been possible). I'm not saying that happened, but the song just irked me that much. I guess in a way that's kinda good, you invoked an emotional reaction in me, if that was what they were going for, they succeeded. That is just my opinion, my tastes are a tad random.
  16. I haven't been posting in here lately, but I just wanted you all to know that I haven't fallen off the bandwagon yet. I have just been very busy. I would also like to announce that I ran 5 miles the other day, and am very proud of myself. I can't tell you that I have EVER run 5 miles, I've always been a walker, but now I can run!!!! I don't really have much weight loss to announce, but I think for fitness level, I'm very pleased with myself.
  17. I thought it was awesome that my parents are going to celebrate their 45th anniversary.. but to be 72 years together.. that's truly something. I hope my parents have another 27 years (at least) together.
  18. Okay, I just gotta say.. Guillermo del Toro movies.. : So vibrant, so amazing.. so creepy.. LOL
  19. It was nice having you over.. you're an awesome house guest! :)

  20. I had a lot of fun. I apparently have a drinking limit, and that's 1 Ultra, after that, I'm a loose cannon (for the record, I only had 2.5 Ultras). I got to see a lot of my favorite people, heard some great music, and had fun freaking out the locals. I was told that there was a poll taken as to when my boobs would pop out of my corset, they didn't. Hopefully I didn't piss too many people off with my drunken antics. I will be back in 2 weeks!
  21. OMGz!!! You're right!!! So like, ninja's can't be ninja-like in type?!??! creepy!

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