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Everything posted by hunhee

  1. Yes it will stop, but it will take time. It's not you who is pathetic, but he who is inept at realizing how wonderful you are. *hugs* Ugh.. stress is bad.. Take care of yourself sweetie *HUGS*
  2. Went on a 8.5/9 mile walk yesterday, going backpacking this weekend, going 10 miles on Saturday, and 7.5 miles on Sunday!!! w00h00!!!
  3. Happy Birthday.. pRick, did she forget her password? *giggles* (inside joke)
  4. Oh man!!! I would love to go, but I think I'm walking 11 miles tonight, and won't be done till like 9:30. MAYBE I will see, but I may be late showing up.
  5. I don't know, I guess I just don't like changes, and this is a change... *starts nervous twitching*
  6. Hey girl! how have you been? I realized I haven't said hi to you in a while. :)

  7. Fitness Point Meeting: Today I had a fitness point meeting with a personal trainer at my gym. I learned some interesting things from him today, that I didn't know before. I heard some things that I didn't want to hear, but overall, it was a good experience. I learned that my body composition is 66.8% lean body mass, and of course 33.2% Fat mass, in order to optimize this, they want me to lose another 24 lbs. (that's it?!?!?!?) This part disappointed me. I want to be that number in my head I've had for a while now, and they want me to be like 20/30 lbs above that number. WTF?!?!?!?!!? BUT then again, that's less of a mental strain for me to lose the 24lbs, so I shouldn't complain. He said my body may shift, and junk, and I may lose lean muscle mass while working out, blah blah... I guess I should be more concerned about being healthy.. right?.. Right. The other interesting thing I learned was that my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is 1787 Calories.. WTF!?!?!? I do not eat anywhere NEAR that many calories.. My personal trainer actually yelled at me, and told me I was probably not eating enough, or consistently. By not eating enough, it forces my body to hold onto the fat, and lose muscle mass, this is BAD (apparently) Soooo... I guess since I've got the workout/motivation mastered, I need to master the eating thingie too. I've got a lot to work on, but at least I know where to focus my attentions.
  8. I try to go every day, sometimes twice a day, but not everyone has such an open schedule in the morning like I do. I tell myself to go to the gym, or exercise every day, that way if I miss a day, I've still got six days I worked out! I try not to miss any tho. o0o0 good way of thinking! That's exactly what it is I had to do to go, and now after 12 weeks, I LOVE IT!!!! I actually switched gyms, because I liked this environment much better. The people there are more polite and up beat, and kinda made me enjoy going to the gym. I'm proud of you Eevee, at least you're already thinking about doing it, I think the hardest thing to overcome is the mental obstacle, now that that's over, as Nike says it, "JUST DO IT"
  9. I think I may have that.. I've not been able to get rid of my cold for the past 12 weeks now. *sighs*
  10. Holy crap! I totally agree with this statement, I didn't know they moved, and was really sad that they were no longer in the Oakland Mall, considering I moved near it recently. I will have to go to Sterling Heights now for my thai food. YUM!!!! A couple of my favorite restaurants are Toast in Ferndale & Birmingham, SUPURB breakfasts!!! and The Fly Trap. LOVE that place.
  11. I approve of this statement. That's what I've been trying to do to myself.
  12. Hello sir, haven't talked to you in a while, I hope all is well. :)

  13. I just want to congratulate you on your healthy lifestyle choice. :) I have diabetes too, and am trying to lose weight. :)

  14. Week 11 is now complete!!! No new weight loss to report, BUT I did run a mile and walk two miles today..w00h00!!! I'm feeling empowered. I have "Fitness Point" appointment on Monday, where they'll tell me what my body fat index is (no I will not share this with the rest of you) but they will also give me advice on what types of exercises I will need to do to optimize my workout, and get the body that I've been working toward.
  15. Mmmmmm.. I LOVE spicy foods. I wanna try this too, but perhaps in food, and not straight up.
  16. I joined a new gym, am excited, I exercised at it this morning, and wanted to take a class tonight, but am way way way way tired/drained. I will probably just go again tomorrow.
  17. Tired.... very very tired.. :( I wanted to go to my new gym tonight to work out, but I don't know if I will have the energy to do it. I already went this morning, perhaps I should just rest. *sighs*
  18. Week 10 is now over, and I'm working on week 11. I didn't make the best choices of food on my birthday weekend, but I do believe I did not overdo anything, so I think I'm doing well. I just got my last hemoglobin a1c results and it came back at a 5.2 (less than 5.7 and you're in REALLY good standings). At the start of my exercising, my hemoglobin a1c was 7, so I've come a long way. My healthy lifestyle has afforded me some fantastic weight loss, and possibly a few more years onto my life.
  19. OK, so we didn't make 9 miles yesterday, my friend's wife got out of class a bit early, and came to pick us up. BUT I believe we made it almost 8 perhaps 8.5 miles, and in my book, that's awesome!!!! Week 10 is almost over, and I am proud to say I am keeping my body in motion. Even through sickness. I am determined to get over the ten week hump, and continue on to 11, and then 12.. and on and on. I hope everyone else's week has been fantastic!
  20. It's really hard to give you suggestions when I really don't know what it is you eat/drink. But here's the general suggestions I have. It may not be something like over-eating that is your weight-loss downfall, but you're eating just enough to maintain what you already have. Our bodies are great at maintaining the status quo. In order to lose, you have to fool your body into thinking it needs to burn fat. Sometimes stepping up your dance routine, maybe your body is used to the current level of activity you're already doing. Do MORE. Perhaps for you, it's your diet. If you eat a McDonald's meal every day, you may want to substitute that with a six inch sub at subway instead. (I am in no way implying you even eat McD's, I'm just saying, it could be the quality of food you're eating). Perhaps the most important thing is H Y D R A T I O N. Water is the key to flushing out fat.
  21. *crosses fingers for a Saturday birth* (it's my birthday as well) I'm so excited and happy for you!
  22. You are so adorable!!! :) Good seeing you on Saturday. :)

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