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Everything posted by Azeuron

  1. wow sunday morning must be official DGN cooking time... I'm just sitting at work
  2. Quite a bit relieved!!! *wipes brow*
  3. I feel like an idiot for leaving my sunroof open all night... had a nice little puddle in my drivers seat... lol oops... I feel glad that my doctor finally got me the right medication... now to see if it works... I feel hopeful for things to work out for a good friend today...
  4. like my wisdom teeth are moving and my jaw and head hurt... need to get some motrin correction... blood pressure acting up again... thats where pain is coming from ugh stupid doctor not calling in my prescription... good think I'm getting a new doctor soon also i feel like i'm in a void zone from the world today... no email no text no calls all day... weird...
  5. I feel really good today even though i'm stuck at work on mandatory OT. oh well. In a good mood either way...
  6. Like I really love my kids!!! They give the best hugs ever!!!!
  7. Kinda concerned... Kinda confused...
  8. A bit confused... and that my nightmares are back *sigh*
  9. Its just a good thing it happened right away and not after you'd gotten settled and found work and everything...
  10. I guess my pathetic attempt at levity is lost on you people *sigh*
  11. Technically speaking... wasn't Meg closer to you while she was in California? *runs*
  12. You still look 18 so I don't know why you're complaining...
  13. wow... talk about right place at the right time... beautiful.
  14. 25000 posts for spam master... 50 seconds minimum in between (25000x50) divide that by 60 to get how many minutes... then by 60 again to get hours... came out to 347 hours and about 13.5 minutes Edited because evidently I'm dyslexic today...
  15. so at the current rate... it would take posting every chance available every 50 seconds 347 hours and change to hit spam master... sorry was bored and had a calculator...
  16. Why do accidents happen to good people... and they never seem to happen to those no one would miss...?
  17. I feel pretty awake... I gota go dig through my shed later to find my old desk pieces to put it together... that should be an adventure.
  18. I didn't think Banana spiders were native to this part of the world... Nice find.
  19. In court this morning... the judge while talking to my ex on the phone (she's in California) said this... "Now raise your right hand and repeat after me....is your hand up?" I almost fell over right there in the court. lol
  20. Zombie Tinkerbell... now that would be a sight to see...
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