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Everything posted by Azeuron

  1. Isn't that the same shirt you wore in SC last year?... Dork!!!
  2. Indeed... but she was half naked the whole 20 minutes she was on screen though... that combined with her lack of spoken lines makes it a little better...
  3. See... you made it through the surgery just fine... now to deal with the diagnosis... *hugs*
  4. Finally Beat KH 358/2 days... going back to the first one of the series the original Kingdom hearts... at this point I'm almost done with it... a couple levels left. Next is the second one in the series, well a PS2 clone of a Nintendo GBA game, Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories.
  5. I love trying to help people when none of my programs work... way to go [undisclosed telecommunications company]!!!
  6. I feel like I felt a bug crawling on my arm and when I looked there was nothing there... am I going insane? lol
  7. I think I need one of these to clean out my sinus'... Does anyone have one I can borrow?
  8. Stupid allergies are making my head feel like something is trying to claw its way out through my sinus'...
  9. If i knew where time went... I'd set a trap, and bottle it up to sell back to people who complain about not having enough of it... lol
  10. calm and collected... after a brief time of anxiety... I feel better... still time to set an appointment.
  11. Irrational thoughts plague my mind....
  12. 360 hands down... Dr. Doom or Tree of Doom
  13. I think I'm a very lucky guy, and tomorrow is going to be a loooooooooong day!!!!
  14. "Never give up, never surrender!"
  15. I thought being tasteless and rude and saying what you want was the whole point of free speech... Sure, its tasteless and rude, but its their right to say it... If people don't like it, don't watch listen or look... That's also their right... I honestly don't get what the big deal is... Edited to remove a bit of unintended condescension.
  16. I have a headache... has to be allergies... but otherwise I feel great!
  17. I think that next time I should think twice about leaving the house with a dead phone and no way to charge it...
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kO1rfdDjNGI&playnext_from=TL&videos=-WD6awV0dL4
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