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Everything posted by Azeuron

  1. trumpet guitar bass electric bass piano/keyboard drums (a bit) all around band geek
  2. enjoying the supidity in my work place as no less than 20 individuals keep "reply all" to an email that was sent to the global address by mistake lol the exchange server must be smoking by now
  3. You always have such elaborate meals. It makes the whopper and fries i grab from BK sound down right bland lol
  4. wouldn't by number alphabetically work?
  5. at work like usual perusing some long over due comic books haven't had my fix in 2 months lol
  6. does anybody remember this thread?
  7. very nice we need to hang out more ;-)
  8. It would have to be nothing else makes sense
  9. Wondering how the G4 channel manages to get all these hot ex professional cheerleaders/ models on their tv shows lol
  10. bored like normal and i have a sore neck today no clue why
  11. butterscotch schnapps and rootbeer makes for a tasty drink
  12. This is how all women should dress at all times !!!! lol
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