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Everything posted by Azeuron

  1. yay for kid day! I hope they have a good time! I feel like I'm bored at work... but what else is new?
  2. I feel like I wish there were a "like" button on here lol Some people are so stupid... I don't get how they just don't notice... *shrug* anywho... +1000
  3. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. I have to say I had a great birthday. Hopefully many many more to come.
  4. Sleepy, yet happy. 5am is freakin early...
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEdOCJSR0_Q
  6. You're about to pass through the bowels of hell today...
  7. WTF? Why Introduce a character in the beginning of a book, imply that he will be a main character, and then kill him off before the second chapter? WTF?
  8. I feel kinda okay... bored... hungry... but for the most part... pretty okay... meh...
  9. I feel just a little bit off today... *shrug*
  10. ahhhhhhhh People took an extra helping of STUPID today... Oh how it hurts the head...
  11. I feel like Flonase works well but it might be a few days before I know if my other meds are working... I hope they do... I'm tired of feeling like crap...
  12. It looks like a nice day out... I wanna be outside... almost time to go...
  13. Better now that my BP is back to normal... has been acting funny today...
  14. Waking up with a smile realizing the conversation just before bed wasn't a dream but reality!!!!
  15. The smile still hasn't left my face and isn't likely to for a while!!!
  16. Like I really missed my calling as a sniper... wow!
  17. I feel very amused... for multiple reasons... *evil Joker laugh* let todays good mood commence...
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