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Everything posted by Darus313

  1. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm That Peter Steele I thought you talking bout the Porn star... My bad..... D
  2. Kewl I was going to Request KMFDM - Anarchy....! D
  3. So if i flashed my man boobs i would get my requested played? D
  4. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm I see that you are (S@int) now Djing in Chicago now......(Here and there!) Tell me what you think of the crowd in Chicago compared to Detroit...! D
  5. Psssssssssssst.......! http://www.usbgeek.com/prod_detail.php?prod_id=0908 Food for thought.... D
  6. Psssssssssssssssssssst.............! What was the crowd response to the new stuff??? Enquiring Mind...!
  7. Full of win means exactly what it sounds like you sir are full of everything that wins. Heard that phrase from my niece who is in 3rd grade and it kinda stuck. Nice to stay hip to what jive the young cats are saying. Can you dig it man? Well for once i am glad i don't that phrase or you would be calling me a pedophile...!~ D. P.S - Thanks
  8. My 2 Cents....! My roommate/ opener Betamax and I have just packed a bong and are now combing through our current weekly set lists and new tracks looking to create that mash up. AS God as my witness that pure stroke of Genius will be realized this Monday. We have no guest DJ this week so other than 9 - 10:30 shift I have plenty to time to drop it in. You are FULL OF WIN SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay? I will bite? Full of Win? = ? i missed that memo and that term? or did you forget the D and the end of Win? D P.S - curious to hear what the Chicken dance was mixed to!
  9. My 2 Cents....! Hatz off to the Djz who play new stuff..and who can get the crowd moving...! This is not an easy thing to do.....! I have Djed at clubs / cities where everything i spun everything that were dancefloor fillers / that worked at other venues but did not work at that venue.... any one who has djed for awhile has experienced this occurrence. It pays to know your crowd...! If you can carve out a niche / crowd all the better...... great job....! No ill will towards anyone - just keep them dancing and coming back for more...! D P.S - i would love to hear one DJ play the Chicken Dance or mash it in with an INDUSTRIAL track......!
  10. Fresh off the Press... Yes there is more goodies..... Squarehead http://www.myspace.com/squareheadofficial http://music.vampirefreaks.com/download/album.php?id=647 and some new Combichrist released.. Noise Collection Vol. 1 Really loving "Bulletf*ck" track! Really good S T O M P....! Enjoy the weekend be at City Club this Saturday night to enjoy some new trackz...! D
  11. Damn.........! Wish i could drop by and here the new music...! All the best on this night...! D
  12. Something New....! Client - 6 In The Morning D P.S - This is better than Lady Gaga... being played at City Club...
  13. Something New....! Client - 6 In The Morning D P.S - This is better than Lady Gaga... being played at City Club...
  14. PssssssssssssssT Scr@w where i live ..... Germany is where it is at...! D
  15. Something for the Dancefloor..... Shades of Covenant Biomekkanik - State of Perfection - great track.... http://www.myspace.com/biomekkanik Enjoy - and if this does not get played at City Club - may you all gag on Lady GaGa's boot heel....! D
  16. Hello New Hard candy... Hypercomplex Dubious http://www.myspace.com/hypercomplexnoize Psy’Aviah - Eclectric http://www.myspace.com/psyaviah Enjoy...! D
  17. Alrighty....! Flash back - wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy back..... kedz........! Romeo Void - Never Say Never D P.S - First time hearing this song was on the Reckless movie and this scene i think was the coolest and yes i dance like that after a few drinkz....!
  18. Alrighty..... A must listen..... Feeling Kenny Loggins...! D
  19. Well put.....! The above is golden advice........ D P.S - Never to many Djs in Detroit - now good Djs is another story...! Also - You know you are good when the dance floor is packed and nobody is throwing stuff at you!
  20. Simple... Just ask....! Be polite - bring Demo CD of your music you spin.... to the night club manager / promoter / etc.. and say i would be interested in Djing for your event / nightclub. Yes it helps to know people - in the business but just comes down to can you work with others....... That is my 2 cents..... D P.S - Having your own Dj gear and speakers to do house/loft partys is a starters and a way to network.
  21. One question? You have not play OBSZON GESCHOPF The following songs i think would go over well....at city Club... - Coffin Shop(Steril RmX) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDg73qVVoZk - Bloodfeast http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VQUXQDPJVQ&feature=related - Love the Butcher But that is me... that is me.....! D
  22. Alrighty... Current pic of me.... Me out drinking in San Diego Feb 21 2010 Before heading out to the clubs...! D
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