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Everything posted by SuZQZ

  1. Being told by my boyfriend that he may go overseas again for 6 months at the end of summer. He hasn't been back a year yet from his last deployment and he's volunteering for another?!?
  2. Thawing ground round and wishing dinner would make itself.
  3. When he won't act for fear of a temper tantrum by his daughter, and makes my daughter feel less important in the process.
  4. Oh, and it is also apparent that my neck will never stop hurting.
  5. Once again it is apparent that he shares what's going on with Megan and doesn't think of sharing with me.
  6. Whiney-assed kids who have no appreciation for all of the plentiful things they do have and focus only on what they don't have.
  7. Thinking that I survived the first Christmas without my mom fairly well. Only cried twice so far.
  8. Stewing, and I don't mean cooking.
  9. Brenda, let me know on FB the next time you think you may do this. I don't get on DGN as often as I'd like, but I am definitely up for skating.
  10. What am I thinking? I'm thinking WTF you fucking mother fucker you!
  11. At this point I wouldn't turn it down.
  12. Coffee flavored liqueur with some cream and vodka please.
  13. Realizing I'm not invited to go to a friend's kids birthday party, not because they don't want me there, but because it seems my boyfriend doesn't. That how it appears anyway. What the f#{% ever.
  14. Why do I bother? Is the effort noticed? Does it/me matter?
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