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Everything posted by SuZQZ

  1. Dana, You, your family and Charlie continue to be in my thoughts. Know that you have the love and support of so many of us and please, both of you, lean on us as much as you need to. I only wish I could do more or say more to bring you some level of comfort.
  2. Looking through architecture and design magazines looking for ideas for the new pad when I get it.
  3. Absolutely agree with Nienna. Just beautiful.
  4. I have done an unofficial poll of a group of people who are always wrong and they all state that I am, in fact, always right.
  5. I've missed you, too! *HUGZ*

  6. *runs and marks date on calendar in giant letters*
  7. I have read through all 5 pages of posts in this thread up to this post and must say that I cannot believe the volume of inaccurate data and the deepths some have sank in an attempt to disguise how very wrong and inaccurate the inaccuracies displayed are, or are not.
  8. Yes, I was a bit pre-occupied that night. I promise next time to make sure to say hi, and it's ok if you bite. After being around this bunch for a while you get used to it. LOL

  9. That is awesome! Too damn funny. Gotta luv Weird Al.
  10. For a special dinner I like Boodles on 11 Mile at I-75, yummy! I've been there several times and their Filet Mignon is so tender and succulent your mouth waters at the scent. I've also enjoyed the Chateau Briand, it was outstanding and cooked to perfection. Great wine selection, too, for those who enjoy a bit of vino with their meal. For more laid back meals, I really like Sangria's in Royal Oak and Mexican Village Restaurant in Utica. Nom nom nom! PS - my daughter wants me to add that she loves California Pizza Kitchen.
  11. I read the books, no, I devoured the books and loved every tasty morsel. That said, the movie was a disappointment. I knew it could not be nearly as good as the book, but I had hoped that the character development would have been better. IMO you don't come to care about the characters and what happens to them like you do in the book. The movie felt rushed and sloppy and like it was raced out to theaters so all involved could cash in. *sigh* I will be re-reading the first book so as to get the awful taste of the movie out of my mouth and my head. Remember, just my opinion. For those who loved the movie and thoroughly enjoyed it, I am happy that you feel you got your money's worth.
  12. Today at work felt like a whole week rolled up into one day. Ugh!
  13. I don't have a desk at home, but my work desk has pictures of my daughter and nephew, a steno pad, a headset for the phone, a magnetic craftsman screwdriver, a tiny moose bobble head, a tiny wolf bobble head, a small stone frog statue, two stress balls, two different usb external drive connectors, a couple of SATA hard drives, a few external card readers, three small electric bugs from Radio Shack, a lamp, a single brew coffee maker, a plant, a phone, two huge monitors, a pad of post-it notes and a whole lot of dust (old bldg creates a lot of dust, hence the Swiffer in my cabinet).
  14. Not much longer and we can have a group hug with you!!!!!!!!!!!!! and thank you
  15. Tired as usual, and on one hand I feel productive, but on the other hand I feel a little disappointed.
  16. I wanted one of these in the worst way, but Santa never delivered one. I had to make due with using a two-sided ladder and planks of wood and created my own welfare looking Barbie apartment building, and had to make furniture and stuff out of empty toliet paper rolls and tissue boxes. *sniffle, sniffle*
  17. I believe the red indicates supporters, benefactors, and I think moderator's as well, but I am not sure.
  18. *HUGZ* Now take a deep breath, realize Thanksgiving will be wonderful, that your paper will be perfect, your house will be more than clean enough, and that you have more strength than most people I know. That strength will come forward on it's own, and you will remain standing tall.
  19. Not really surprised, I guess. You Should Follow Taoism Your idea of religion (or spirituality) is broad and expansive. You believe that God is everywhere and in everything. For you, life is about achieving balance and harmony. The more you can go with the flow, the happier you are. What Religion Should You Be?
  20. Attempting to crawl off to my hole... I mean bed, without getting stopped to do something for anyone!
  21. See. It worked. You got me to jump back on DGN, though I still won't be able to get on here as often as I'd like too for a while.

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