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Status Updates posted by Lillylu29

  1. hey pokke more to the left next time... haha

  2. im at work myself :( wish i could lol

  3. *peeks in window* hehehehe

  4. *hugs* *butt grabb* muhahahahaha

  5. *hugs* *grabs butt in the process* hehe

  6. your very welcome.. thank you to you and slogo for being my dates :p

  7. anytime dear :) and thank you! it was nice to finally meet you...

  8. i iz peeking at you.... muhahahahaha

  9. *hides in da bushes* peek peek..... muhahahaha

  10. lol I was at work... sometimes I can grasp a min to peek at the goth world... LOL thats why i tell everyone to txt me :p *huggs*

  11. *giggles like the pilsbury dough boy*

    *spanks butt and runs*

  12. hello purdy lady :)

  13. yea i guess... Anything to keep me busy and out of trouble :)

  14. yeah same here. Im alredy in the medical field, but im getting very conflicted right now. Since I'v gotten involved with the whole video thing with Slogo Iv taken a great intrest in Photographing so I might take a few classes on that, in addition to whatever in the medical field I go into. Im leaning more twords RT or OT.

  15. I work tons.. lol school will be soon i hope >.

  16. ahhh i has the day off today but yet I have to eventually start cleaning the homestead :/

  17. pretty good yer self?

  18. we worked stuff out I guess... Things are ok except now I haz no internet and no phone till wednesday.... *CRIES* i haz withdrawls and the shakes from time to time... thank god I can hop on at work for a few to kill some of the insanity... lol i feel so alone arggg HAHA....

  19. Thanks dear, it makes me feel better :). I havent quite figured out why im drawn to that person. Or why I bother. I just know im following what the goddess told me. I want my phone back its more fusterating then anything thoe lol

  20. I was having a good night, till i pretty much told I didnt matter, then my phone gets shut off... lol can I just skip till 2011. I know my cards read things will get better and to be patient.. but grrrr lol

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