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Everything posted by asphyxian_doll

  1. Last time I was here I weighed roughly 190 im now 160 woot!
  2. Its been so long! I miss this community and people here. I haven't really found a board quite like DGN, and unfortunately, everywhere else I go is full of trolls, and immature kids who know nothing about "friendly debate". So for those of you who don't know me, I'm Jamie. ^_^ *waves* HI! And for those of you who do, I'm sorry if I ever offended you and hope we can start on a new foot. Peace, Love, and Light b2u!
  3. A new friend. :3 I hope to all hope, that I can call him my love someday ^_^
  4. Hmmm Soul he may just not find an interest. People tend to get themselves in odd emotional feed loops, that perpetuate a certain attitude towards "normal" wants and needs that other seem to feel, and they do not. Sometimes it happens. If you can't figure it out, maybe its because he hasn't tried to understand it either, and has found some kind of contentment with it. If his not dating isn't making him unhappy, then its not a bad thing either.
  5. Not quite......>.> Unless you're talking some kinky pillow talk weirdness...then...uh well no not that either. WEIRDO! xD
  6. Replace Journey with VNV Nation, and slightly change context to be directed towards the male anatomy... and we've got a winner here. I agree. Cept I'd add "Must be respectful of my spiritual beliefs, and must be able to hold a conversation on a gut level." Seems I ask too much.
  7. Loreena McKennitt - Dante's prayer When the dark wood fell before me And all the paths were overgrown When the priests of pride say there is no other way I tilled the sorrows of stone I did not believe because I could not see Though you came to me in the night When the dawn seemed forever lost You showed me your love in the light of the stars Chorus: Cast your eyes on the ocean Cast your soul to the sea When the dark night seems endless Please remember me Then the mountain rose before me By the deep well of desire From the fountain of forgiveness Beyond the ice and the fire Chorus Though we share this humble path, alone How fragile is the heart Oh give these clay feet wings to fly To touch the face of the stars Breathe life into this feeble heart Lift this mortal veil of fear Take these crumbled hopes, etched with tears We'll rise above these earthly cares Chorus Please remember me Please remember me, ... (Im crying right now, its all it takes.....)
  8. I second that Prick. *note* I have a love for functional loving relationships, but also have a distaste for the timidness and rigid FEAR of some people about anything "abnormal or bad" So I had to say something.
  9. *drool* I second that. I see myself playing Harley as I've got a knack for finding the one's with emotional/psychological issues >.> Not quite as Sadistic...but psychology can be SUCH an erotic thing xD uh huh *drool #2) I hate co-dependence....I love insane love. How funny, such a contradiction. Saying these pictures and the ideology behind the story line is promoting or fetishizing violence is like saying zombie movies and comic books alike promote cannibalism. Its human nature to take horrible things and use it in art, and story line. Its damn sexy, and I've got a taste for art portraying violence, death, and bloodshed etc, as I don't deny humanity's worst qualities and hide behind moralistic rigidness to cover up my fears and insecurities about the reality of the grossly immature state humanity in a whole is in. To turn it into art, and conceptualize it is one of the most therapeutic ways to express one's self without harming another human being. So with that being said Sir Masey, I make my case, these pictures aren't anything to be worried about. (giggles and whispers, they are fecking awesome!)
  10. That is absolutely wonderful and inspiring. I have been saying for quite some time that age really is just a number, not a gauge on ones ability to do anything in life.
  11. I don't smoke, I don't drink, and I prefer a non smoking environment. I'm looking to move out soon after I get my jeep fixed, and I am even willing to relocate further into the Detroit area, as I am hoping to attend cosmetology school soon. I was wondering if anybody is contemplating bringing in a room mate? I have a 250 a month rental budget and can pay for my own food, bathing good etc, I'm definitely NO mooch. Its not much, since I work at Walmart, but I am always good for my promises and highly responsible. Eh? I would really love to get out of Fenton.
  12. Its actually apart of a guys portfolio. There is also a link for another site Duhcorp.com Hire us
  13. Huhcorp I came across this site, by random. I about DIED laughing! :D I share for your amusement. Clicky Clicky! <3
  14. So lets start here. With a story. I bought a 10 gram jar, full of kaolin clay, which was claimed to be this "miracle face primer, that when mixed with lotion, will turn any face into a porcelain canvas"... Little did I know that you would get 5-6 grams within this 10 gram jar, (or less) and I had no idea that a POUND of Kaolin clay really only costs you about 15 bucks or less depending on shipping and where you buy. Ok...problem number one she sells this shit for $7.50 plus $2.00 bucks for shipping.....fucking rip off! So I decide to order two makeup collections of eyeshadow. The one collection had about 6 colors, and sold them for 37$ The other, around 8 going for 44$ Turns out the woman packaged them in 5 gram sifter jars, with LESS than 1.5 grams of lose pigment (which fell OUT of the jars due to her haphazard packaging) I'm used to paying 54 dollars, for 8 pigments of MedusasMakeup, in 5 gram jars without the sifters FILLED TO THE BRIM! So this to me was absurd. She also does not list her ingredients, and isn't selling FDA approved micas, pigments, and ultramarines. YARG! Anyways, long rant SHORT. She selling LESS for MORE, to ignorant women who don't do their homework. She also sells this crap called chrome serum which is just water and vegetable glycerine for 8.00. Who the hell is she? you might ask. >.>BLECH! glittersniffer(more like crack sniffer) nice pigments...no lie, but I can remake them. You're better off shopping at Medusas makeup lime crime HeavenlyNaturalBeauty
  15. I pull out my handy fresh cooked bacon out of my backpack of preparedness and coax the cow thing bull person man out of its blinding rage for a nibble and save the day! REPUBLICN?!?!??!??!?!? WAT DO?!!??!??!??!?
  16. I am so not surprised *hugs!* I wish I woulda known this! You are feeling whimsical and light hearted! Stop making everything so damn funny! <3 ok no...I like it when you post in my stone faced serious threads. Keep on pl0x makes me heppeh
  17. Ah ok, not sure. Maybe clarification is needed. Balancing is good! I think you just are grounded in yourself, and you know what you want from others. Healthy boundaries amongst a strong attunement to other people is a really great balance, and can affect others strongly in a positive way if they are open to it. I'm actually affected greatly by my laptop, its EMF frequencies and people. People can walk past me, and if they are in a certain mood, I take on that mood. I find that I lash out psychicly at people when they're body language is rigid, or intrusive in any way, even if it isn't towards me AT ALL. A hair trigger, or what my friend likes to call the "sensitive car alarm" I just REALLY have to work on my anger and reaction to every day vibrations and people. Working at Walmart has amplified it GREATLY because we are expected to wipe people's asses and not rebuke them if they are rude, or borderline abusive. Its sad....we are the only place in town that treats the employees like they are supposed to treat every fucking customer like royalty and take the brunt of it all and still have a smile and a gleam in their eye at the end of the day, in the name of unprecedented customer service. I do however feel that my Ability is really a gift, and to ground myself in it, without getting to heady or new-ageist and out there, I just ask myself one simple question "Ok...I'm an ultra sensitive and a conduit of many vibrations, how is this helping ME and OTHERS?" Well it isn't...and my goal is to be a conduit of love and healing. So hey...it isn't so bad, it is just at a stage where I'm overwhlelmed and looking for other people who have the same gift.
  18. p90x!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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