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About nomi

  • Birthday 06/29/1979

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    I have many interests...<br /><br />Check me out on Myspace: www.myspace.com/undecideddelight
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  1. Happy Birthday :D

  2. Sending Birthday Wishes :)

  3. Greetings...sending out random hellos. Hello :)

  4. I'm sorry you're gone. You seem interesting.

  5. sorry to say this or not, but: i love that... wish my mom was even halfway like that when i was growing up. i am hoping that i'll be a little like that to my daughter when she gets to that age of 'rebelling.' she's only turning 3 now. some people are really big dolts, closed minded, selfish idiots. those people who say they hate a certain type of dress style probably don't know the difference between most of them. hating someone for how they dress is ignorant. how you dress does not make who you are. a lot of people who say they dislike/hate goths asociate the style of dress with witchcraft and paganism. therefore, actually disliking/hating the non-christian type religions. associating a dress style with a religion is extremely ignorant. disliking/hating someone for it is even more so. i have no qualms with any religion or dress style, but be informed before you say you dislike/hate something. then tell me why, i'd like to know, and it had better be a good reason, not an excuse. only then will i accept the dislike/hate as fallable, otherwise, you go in my 'big dolt' category. (p.s. >_< pet-peeve: using the word 'hate' with ignorance, more so with ignorance on what is being hated.) ((that really gets my nickers in a bunch.))
  6. Thus the reason I say, not an excuse for either. c'est la vie.
  7. Hey, I haven't talked to you or seen you all week. :(

  8. LOL, it's all about the mindset and games. Not a game player, but I know what you mean. Coming from a woman's perspective though, we are liars and play games more than men do. I hate admitting it, but it's true. We say things opposite what we really want just to mess with guys that we like, but don't really want. Isn't love just grand (note: there's a hint of sarcasm there). Men do it more on the primal instinct factor, but it's still not an excuse for either.
  9. meh, single isn't that bad, lonely at times, but that is what friends are for. I am single by choice, I meet many people, just not wanting a relationship right now. ((Just for clarification because of something that the next post made me realize.)) Not wanting a relationship, for me, is not having sex either.
  10. Most of the people I no longer hang out with but are my friends are from Mt. Morris. They are either in jail, out of state, or don't really pay much attention to the fact that I haven't been around. Meh. I think I will be a hermit for a few more months, only coming out of the shell for rare occasions. :)

  11. I don't know where I was. I may have been here, bored off my ass, or I may have been in Mt. Morris, also bored off my ass, lol.

    Might be a chance I was still in Florida, not bored and insane.

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