Current location? I'm currently living in Saginaw, MI
Where from? This my hometown
Gender? I'm a female last I checked. My lucky charms havent changed since.
Work? Not at the moment (and that makes me sound like a loser)
School?YES. Currently I'm taking a phlebotomy course and I'm also in the middle of my Veterinary Assistant course. Both are doing great.
Kids? I have LOTS of babies.. they're all in the form of felines though. I have some pictures in the gallery I set up.
Married? Not yet. there's been small talk of it though for the not so near future.
Single? Nope. sorry. but I do still chase cookie.
Hobbies? my babies, photography, learning how to sew, photoshop, that's about all.
How Did You Find DGN? Brassfusion handed me a card on the 4th
Other Stuff? I'm as uninteresting as it gets.