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Everything posted by Mrs.Heart

  1. lmao.... I didn't know you had a say in this but thanks anyways.
  2. I was talking about a snake for a burlesque act but as far as go go dancing goes I would LOVE to but I don't think I'll be able to due to lack of transportation.
  3. I would totally be down for this if I had a snake to dance with.... I haven't done something like this in a long time.
  4. I totally agree with this statement.... For the most part age IS just a number & what really matters is how the people feel about each other & that those feelings are real & not just superficial.
  5. Yay.... I feel much better now.... Hopefully I'll be completely healed by this weekend.
  6. Yes I am feeling much better. Thank you for asking! :)

  7. Sweet it's good to hear from you again sweetie...... :) *Hugs*

  8. Well i've been sick for the past week but now i'm starting to feel better. How are you beautiful?

  9. Oh trust me I have been.... That's why I haven't been online in the past couple of days. Thanks everyone for all the hugs & good vibes!!
  10. I feel a little bit better than I was, my fever has gone down most the way & now I'm able to get up & walk around.... I hope I'm better by saturday!!
  11. I was in the hospital until 4am this morning because I'm having complications with my C-section, so I'm in a LOT of pain but because of this cold I can't swallow any pain killers & I'm out of tea & soup & have no way to get to the store.
  12. Having a hard time dealing with being single & lonely.
  13. Having a cold sucks & not in a good way.... lol blah I need a sexy nurse....
  14. "Peanut butter & jelly.... It's like mother's milk"
  15. lol.... I like this one.... Good thinking Spook.
  16. Like I woke up with a cold today...... blah Anyone want to be my nurse?
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