I dont, but as a kid, I did have a fear of flourescent lights in the basement turning on all the way and flickering. I believe that was because that was the exact same lighting that existed in my dreams of falling down the very same basement stairs and into a pit of pure evil. Still makes me shrudder a little to this day when the lights do that.
Dont you hate it when people ramble on slightly off topic?
Come up with a creative background story behind Msterbeau' s costume to chill the adults to their very bones and impliment a scheme utilizing said story for maxium child laughter/adult scaredness.
Possibly. I suspect we will all catch on eventually. Or at least the ones left will.
I am fond of watching movies where the world is destroyed, however. Are you?
Big Boy, after taking my daughter out to the stoney creek nature trails.
How come DBK has never caught on that when you answer a question here, you need to post a new one? LMAO!!!
Was waving her arms out the window of a fast moving passanger train; acting in an irrisponsible fashion, until the engineer whose back had been turned, and who she'd thought had found her highly amusing, quickly swiveled his back around...
Dislike of nasty customers and joy in driving his truck over them spans across several states, and is talked about across the entire country and parts of Mexico and Canada.
I just watched Gregg Bishops "The Other Side." I have to say, for a film with a $15,000 budget, it was pretty good. Deffinately worth three bucks to rent.
I think I am a little narcoleptic because I can usually fall asleep anywhere anytime in any position in under a minute.
I just reacently watched the first matrix again, and beleive it to be much better than it's sequels. Do you agree?