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Everything posted by Burrich1

  1. Film ttogreh taking pictures of Kit Kat P holding a kitten and post it on YouTube. (because people will watch anything on YooTube.)
  2. Christina Ricci is hot as hell. Thats all I've got to say. Christina Ricci is hot as hell. When was the last time you went out for "eighties night?" (edited for drunken spelling)
  3. < 2 drinks... small groups. > 2 drinks... Large crouds. What is the last thing you ate before going to bed yesterday?
  4. The last movie I saw was Pan's Labyrinth. I loved it mostly because of the crazy emotions it envoked in me. Good job Del Toro. What was the last movie you saw that left you with as feeling of meloncholy?
  5. Not really but I have wondered if my mind is wired correctly on occassion. Have you ever been in a relationship and had your significant other tell you she was going off her bi-polar meds?
  6. Turn Kung Fu dubbing into dgn movie night party and supply popcorn and liquor for creative purposes.
  7. Yes. Its healthy, high in protine, low in fat, and filling. How do you feel about sushi?
  8. Sweet. How can there be all these threads on what to do on Sunday nights. I think Troy has our answer right here. LMAO!!! I'm deffinately in.
  9. I'd like to think it is a reality for most people with the capacity to reason, but sometimes thats hard to believe, especially considering most current events. How do you follow up a question like that one?
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