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Everything posted by Marmee_Noir

  1. What, huh, why yes dear sir I have a bag of frozen peas in the freezer.. :p Hahaha stop picking on me.. Damn it where is Daevion to hide behind when I need him..

  2. Was very nice to talk to you lat night hon.. Laughs* still nursing a bruised ego for being blown off the first time we met. But heh Daevion's charms seem to do the trick to get you to talk to me.. :p

    XO Heather

  3. Yay yay yay, was great seeing you at City last night.. Hope you liked it.. Wish I would of been able to spend more time with you but , well hem I was a bit pre-occupied.. Anyways though hope you ge to make it out there again soon. P.S looking pretty hot last night. XO Heather

  4. Ah the infamous Troy.. Hehehe was super great getting to meet you last night! Hope to get a chance to chat it up with you again. XO Heather

  5. Great night, got to meet a bunch more DGNers and such. The infamous Troy, ummm yeah wll yeah got to meet the infamous Troy.. Laughts* And not to mention I had great accompaniment. P.S Got a proper corset lace up by Nienna.... Breathing is unimportant.
  6. Awwww thank you for the gesture.. I'll have to take you up on it one of these days.. And my drunk ass... Hahaha this time I'm going to try to stay some what on the sober side of the line.. Hahaha ok who am I kidding I say that every time and every time I end up, well ahem that's a tale for another time. But anyways YAY I got a ride and a place to crash so YAY.. Hope to meet some more of you guys there tomorrow night.. Oooh and really looking forward to meeting ya Troy.. XOXO Heather
  7. Happy Birthday.. So you heading to City Club on saturday hon?

    XO Heather

  8. Ah the infamous Troy may be there... I wanna go... Heh problems problems problems.. Can't get any of my friends to head with me so I'd be flying solo.. Don’t know if I'm ready to hit CC by myself. Specially since I only know a few of you wonderful people. And secondly my friends place I crash at that is only 40minutes away, well her mother in-law is up and my room is out of commission so I'd have to stay completely sober to drive there and then drive back home which is about a 2 and a half hour drive:( And plus I'm not talented enough to tight-lace my corset by myself yet.. Hahaha so anyone wanna be my hang out buddy at CC and corset lacer?
  9. Super Orgy Porno Party by the Planet Smashers
  10. Has amazing peacock tattoos.. Would love to know where she got them done at.. P.S I use to have pet Indian Blue peacocks, sadly a coyote got into the cage and ate them.
  11. Heh I think I got you good on your myspace but nothing like a lil extra b-day luv.. So Happy Happy B-Day you sexy bitch you.. Hehehehe XO Heather
  12. Not without a purpose- Street Dogs
  13. Procrastinating, trying not to think about things, getting ready to read a bit and then try for some sleep...
  14. Shut me up- Mindless self indulgence
  15. Woooo I get a hug.. YAY Just got one question for ya then... Grinderman.. Eeeps what did you think of it.. That "No pussy blues" was ummm well I darn near died laughing when I first heard it..
  16. Under the folding branches-The Veils Switching to some Nick Cave in a sec though..
  17. Pretty dig info... I dig both bands.. I really wish the Necrophilicons would make it out to Flint one of these days..

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