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Everything posted by Marmee_Noir

  1. I love a very VERY well tailored look on Jeremy... Not a metrosexual look. But a look that says " I paid good money for a quality article of clothing that fits me perfect. My link It may cost a bit more to buy quality articles of clothing that fit a persons body perfectly, but very well worth it. Men never underestimate what dressing well, smelling good and just plain taking care of yourself does to a woman....
  2. People who feel that just cause they knew someone before you did that they have some sort of owner ship of them. Oh and also cheap shots.
  3. Warm and fuzzy and can't wait for Jeremy to snuggle me when he gets home in the morning from work!
  4. Limited, and only human.... Like things were going so well with the wedding, but now I'm falling behind. Everyone is trying to pull me in all sorts of directions and people at my work suck and need to stop calling off or wanting me to come in early so they can get out early.... Then BITCH that they don't get enough hours....
  5. That I need a very long vacation from work.. Some people find way to much comfort in ignorance, unfortunately the people who know how to do the job have to constantly clean up after Tweedledee and Tweedledum!
  6. Feeling great. Have a shit ton of the wedding stuff all paid for and our bank account is still looking damn good. Now to make it look even better and get Jeremy's taxes done.... And.... To get everything booked and ready for new orleans... Ahhhh life is goooooood!
  7. A-FUCKING-MAZING. Have the down payment made for the reception hall taken care of and everything is falling into place.. Can't wait for June 26th... THEN New Orleans for our honeymoon.. YAY
  8. Low life, ghetto hood-rats. Who have no concept of any form of the english language. Can someone please explain to me what a JAHOOSEY is. When I tell a guest we have whirlepool rooms, and they repeat back JAHOOSEY rooms. J A C U Z Z I...... F U C K T A R D! When repeated to them again "Whirlepool" they continue with "JAHOOSEY". I HATE people who "think" they take pride in being ignorant.
  9. Paying off my bridal gown, finally getting a hold of the sales director in Frankenmuth and getting the reception contract mostly done. Oh and having a lot of our money worries over the wedding calmed with some major good news via our bank account. Oh, Oh, and also Jeremy's sister coming up with a brilliant money saving idea for the wedding.
  10. I'm thinking life can be so amazing sometimes. One day you're stressed beyond all belief, next day, everything is falling right into place!
  11. GREAT I have four fucking days off in a row..... Hell to the fuck to the YAY! (I can't remember the last time I even had two days off in a row)
  12. Depends, does either your S/O or friend(s) have VALID reasons for not getting along.. As for Jeremy and I, the only friend that I care that he "likes or doesn't" like is my bestfriend/counter-part/my ORACLE, we are so alike it's creepy, bestfriend Jean. And my dad. As for Jeremy's friends, lol if I don't like one of them and I have VALID reason not to, well then bye bye! I ask nothing more or less of him then he could ask of me.. If he didn't get along with one of my friends and had VALID reason, then that friend gets a bye bye. My place is next to my "soon to be husband" and his place is by my side. We're a united front! P.S If I don't like someone, then I DON'T like someone. I'm not going to pretend to like them or pretend to get along with them. I'm not going to go out of my way to be cordial to them nor go out of my way to be rude to them . Plain and simple of it all is that they just don't exist to me. There are many people that Jeremy talks to when we go to city that I just turn around and walk away from.
  13. Trying to make it through work. Only two and a half hours then I'm free....
  14. Like I have the plague, and I have a super busy week and I don't know how I'm going to get through it all...
  15. Perfect, after having a hel of a time trying on a bazillion dresses I finally found the perfect one....
  16. o_0 Ooooh I got my eye on you. lol Teasing.. I was in the Livonia meijers the other weekend I would of swore I saw you, maybe it was an evil twin!

  17. Yay, me getting fited for my wedding dress! Tragic I had to crop them to get the other chicks with their dresses out of the pictures I'm sure these pictures will get replaced as my favorite in May with the real deal.
  18. When I get super pervs in the hotel who try to get me to come down to there room every 5 minutes and answer the door naked in a trench coat... Sad thing was the guy was fairly young and decent looking, I wouldn't of pegged him to be that kind of a guy at first... WAY FRIGGIN CREEPY THOUGH... YYYYYYYYUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKKK
  19. Mildly, ok a bit more than mildly panicked! Jeremy and I moved the wedding from October 23rd to this May 28th.. Eeeeeeeps so much to do so little time. With a touch of relief....->Thank God for my best friend and personal wedding planner!
  20. Like one chick just up and quite and work and another is about to. Frustrated, happy(more hours means more money) and exhausted.
  21. The Palace of Auburn Hills already has something like this. It's a "family" Bathroom. Set up just like the mens and womans. You're only suppose to use it if you have children with you.. But when the line to the mens and womans bathroom is horrible... Lots of people use this one. I had no problem using it, and there were some guys in there.
  22. Congrats, it's amazing when things like that just fall into place.. Jeremy(slingerlandstyx) and I had a pretty simular story, just add in a psycho hating ex. Haha though the ex does suply us with many moments of laughter every blue moon.
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