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Everything posted by Marmee_Noir

  1. lol I'm sure I'll see some ghetto-fab chick sporting those through the hotel lobby with her 5 sizes to tight baby phat jeans soon... You should see what some of these people wear.
  2. Heh, this couldn't fit me any better.. It's perfect. You Are Spike You are neither good nor evil. You're too complicated to be explained so easily. You have a dark side, and your lust sometimes gets the better of you. And your temper is notoriously violent. But you also have a softer side to you. You are compassionate, sensitive, and capable of deep love. You are also very intelligent and witty. You enjoy verbal sparring as much as physical sparring. What Famous Vampire Are You? Blogthings: We'll Tell You The Truth... Someone Has To!
  3. Sssshhhhhh, no one tell but I have a crush on slingerlandstyx... Oh and Eddy Izzard... lol
  4. Wait, I don't think I want 2009 to fuck off and die... 2009 actually was pretty decent of a year for me.. I'm more worried about 2010.. Wedding to plan, house hunting to do, possible new car to buy and more.. Eeeeps I'm hiding under a rock...
  5. That this New Year may start off very interresting.. Hmmmmmmm
  6. So count Jeremy and I in.. Friggin love playing....
  7. To clarify a bit. There were 3guys, one on each side of me squashing me and one standing rigt in front of me and the one to my left was that ass who was in the white polo... And the guys looked like they were in their mid twenties...
  8. I want this sling to burn in the firery flames of hell! Working front desk at hotel and having my right arm rendered imobile SUCKS!
  9. Will be feeling a lot better in a minute when I take some pain meds.
  10. Another day off of work.. Still not 100% over the flu and I still have my damn arm in a sling!
  11. Plotting the destruction of this arm sling!
  12. That work sucks... Power crazed peons suck.. But yay I get to see the most sexiest chick in the world, Emilie Autumn on Sunday with my honey!
  13. YAY Frigging YAY CAN"T WAIT TILL SUNDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Annoyed, one of my favorite guest is suppose to be bringing me back a special gift but grrr it's getting late and I have to get up in the early AM to come back and work.... Booooo Hiiiisssssssss I wanted it now... Guess I'll have to wait till the morning!
  15. Good lord hell with all the good philosophies and advice, how old is this guy? These sound like games children play when they're in jr.high.
  16. Hanging out with Jeremy and Joe, and about to go home and get some sleep so i can work at the ass crack of dawn!
  17. Like the cell phone snob in me is making it hard for me to pick out a new one. Lg Incite or Xenon or.... or..... !
  18. Absolutely No Way On Gods Green Earth Am I Missing This.... Even if Jeremy and I come down with some magical 24hour monkey flu to get out of work that day...
  19. I hate when guest at the hotel I work at have an IQ of a slug! Ummmm you made long distant calls, yes it's coming out of your security deposit... NO you can not get the full deposit back and pay me the lousy $7.00 later or the next time you stay!
  20. Oh wise mystical plastic ball with a painted white 8..... Should I give Rev and Oh my goth a call and set up a time for a venison steak dinner? lol Or will Jeremy and I working over time kill that idea in the next couple of weeks?
  21. There might be a chance Jeremy and I can go to the party but not to CC... I'll have to talk to him tonight and see... Might be able to give you a ride then... lol Good lord I'm surprised I remember any of last years! Cake, alcohol and bondage bear...
  22. Feeling relieved that Jeremy and I are making pretty decent money now... But getting stressed out about making wedding plans.. Less than a year till the wedding and him and I are so busy with work, both of our families and friends that a free moment is null and void.... Ggggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr must remember to call Greenfrield Village and The English Inn tomorrow to schedule appointments for viewing.
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