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Everything posted by Marmee_Noir

  1. Jeremy coming home early from work this morning to surprise me with some ahem* private time and then take me out for breakfast, the mall and a walk in the park to feed the geese!
  2. Yawn* All past breakups I've had, bad or good, mean nothing to me any more. Why should I let those people have power over me.. And why should I waste my life spouting woe is me over it! And besides I wouldn't be in the wonderfull loving caring relationship that I'm in if it wasn't for those break ups!
  3. I'm feeling very intolerant! Some people are so pathetic in their attemps to gain attention from certain people.. When they really need to move on with their lives. Want some attention well you're about to start getting the wrong attention!
  4. Jeremy surprising me at work with a beautiful red rose!
  5. When maintenance comes into my apartment with out me there.... Specially when the order slip they left behind states they are NOT to enter with out tenant present!
  6. Waiting for the washer to finish up so I can put the clothes in the dryer... Ooooh and scoping out the ren fest website, plotting what Jeremy and I are going to do first tomorrow! Yay for his daddy getting us free tickets!
  7. My thoughts on love are all good... When you find the right person and things fall into place love is amazing.. I really am lucky to have Jeremy, as he is to have me, of course!
  8. I'm thinking that it's comical what some people will do to bring attention to themselves. Playing games like a child to get a certain some one to notice them, makes them seem pathetic and desperate. Move on, every one else has!
  9. I might possibly be interested in some of your things in size L-XL and shoes size 7 1/2-8! Any chance of posting some pictures?
  10. I'm feeling like the next 3 days are going to be hell at work.. Gotta love powertrip bitches who really have now authority but for some odd schizophrenic reason feel they do!
  11. Hey ya sexy! So whatcha doing around October 23 2010? Jeremy and I need a kick ass photographer for our wedding!

  12. Work on putting a guest list together for the wedding so Jeremy and I can work on the wedding budget..
  13. Playing on the net while Jeremy figures out a day and time for us to visit The English Inn for a preview!
  14. I'm thinking that Jeremy and I found a place for our wedding that out-shines the original plan of Greenfield village.... The English Inn.... Ooooooohhhhhh it is PERFECT!
  15. Grrrrrrrrrrrr, worried about who to invite and who not to invite to the wedding.... lol Or basically who to spend $90.00 for dinner on..
  16. Eeeeepssss I got a peek! Yes, yes you were wearing it properly!
  17. About to watch a movie, then molest my fiancee in the hot tub in our hotel suite!
  18. And the real tragedy if that there is talk of re-making Ferris Bueller's day off! BLASPHEMY!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Look up/print directions to the hotel Jeremy and I are staying at tonight!
  20. Being lazy before Jeremy and I have to pack up and leave my Dad's house in Bad Axe. Then Heading to the hotel suite for our one year anniversary! YAY
  21. Jeremy and I celebrating our one year anniversary! YAY.... lol and to all the people who were making bets, YOU FUCKING SUCK!
  22. Had a great night.. Soooooo great Jeremy and I just couldn't bare to leave that place till 7am... lol Or it could of just been those damn long islands from marvin that rendered us unable to leave... Amazing that we both passed out in our car in the parking lot with the windows all down and nothing happened to us.. Seriously though the night was a blast! Oh and bonus of the night! Got to see Fin... YAY
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