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About prettystar1sky

  • Birthday 04/08/1986

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Southfield, MI
  • Interests
    Listening to all different types of music, dancing to what moves me, singing songs I love for the fun of it, enjoys analyzing song lyrics. Wellness: nutrition/beauty/fitness. I like to make things now -- Thank you [Astralcrux] Brandy! I find that home-made gifts are from the heart. Discussing interesting topics with interesting individuals. I love to laugh! I like to work to be able to hold my own but I wish I could be on a permanent vacation... someday ♥
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    http://find me on Facebook!

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  1. Have a Happy Birthday ^_^

  2. Sending Birthday Wishes :)

  3. Nice to meet you finally!

  4. It's been so long probably since March or April since I've been there but I should be around tonight
  5. UPDATE So 2 weeks ago my hotel ordered me some work pants for our new uniforms. I was not able to zip up and button the top and felt pretty depressed. My supervisor coyly asked if I would like a larger size. I said "No thanks, give me two weeks and they'll fit. I don't want a larger size to be my "enabler" to remain "comfortable" being bigger than I should be for my hight/frame/health." I gave myself that challenge. Took up skiing (thanx to Astralcrux) -Every Tuesday for at least 4 hours; I do some rebounding 2-4x's per week; I conduct strength training with resistance bands or 5 lb weights 2-4x's per week; and do some stretching/yoga 3-6x's per week (always feels good to really stretch after any workout). I do my best to watch what I eat. I haven't had pop in so long. I have an endless supply of water and tea at work and that's the same for when I'm home. I haven't had much alcohol, but I do not deprive myself.. some rough nights I'll make myself a yummy alcoholic concoction. I also just do my best to eat smaller meals: Some healthy cereal with skim milk when I get up. I'll have a piece of fresh fruit, then maybe a fiber bar, then go to work and they usually provide healthy stuff like soups, meat/cheese/crackers/fruit tray -- make a small plate with a lil of each. On my days off I will get something that I enjoy but only eat half of it, I will doggie-bag the other half (for next day's lunch) or share with whomever I'm out with. Today, I was asked to try the uniform on again. The pants fit!!!! Slightly tight but I can zip/button!!! Yesssssssssssssss
  6. All these are so negative :( Everyone's been yanking my chain lately just wanted to assure: Were the above answers honest?
  7. Am I the one he wants to be with? Will it be serious? Will we be happy together?
  8. Hey you !

    I did thank you!

    Hope all is well =).

  9. "Play Crack The Sky"--Brand New We sent out the S.O.S. call. It was a quarter past four, in the morning When the storm broke our second anchor line. Four months at sea. Four months of calm seas {only} To be pounded in the shallows off the tip of Montauk Point. They call 'em rogues. They travel fast and alone. One hundred foot faces of God's good ocean gone wrong. What they call love is a risk, 'Cause you will always get hit Out of nowhere by some wave And end up on your own. The hole in the hull defied the crew’s attempts, To bail us out. And flooded the engines and radio, And half buried bow. Your tongue is a rudder. It steers the whole ship. Sends your words past your lips Or keeps them safe behind your teeth. But the wrong words will strand you. Come off course while you sleep. Sweep your boat out to sea Or dashed to bits on the reef. The vessel groans The ocean pressures its frame. To the port I see the lighthouse Through the sleet and the rain. And I wish for one more day to give my Love and repay debts. But the morning finds our bodies washed up thirty miles west. They say that the captain stays fast with the ship, Through still and storm, But this ain't the Dakota, And the water's so cold, {We} won't have to fight for long. (This is the end.) This story's old but it goes on and on until we disappear, (This is the calm.) Calm me and let me taste the salt you breathed while you were underneath, (We are the risen.) I am the one who haunts your dreams of mountains sunk below the sea, (After the storm.) I spoke the words but never gave a thought to what they all could mean, (Rest in the sea.) I know that this is what you want, a funeral keeps both of us apart. (Washed up on the beach.) You know that you are not alone, I need you like water in my lungs. [x2] This is the end. ...You never do see any other way...
  10. When I get too anxious and think about something too deeply, it keeps me up all night and I get no sleep. I feel like I'm going crazy in a sense b/c I would go over the good/bad occurrences with a particular though that I've already experienced and just play around in my mind of conscious dreaming.
  11. Hello! :) I hope you had a fantastic holiday!

  12. What I do when I'm watching some TV instead of sitting on the couch--- I take my two 5 pound weights, hold them with my elbows bent at a 90 degree angle while standing up moving in a rotation motion working my core. Sometimes while doing this I add punches while holding the weights. I do this until I'm too tired of moving that way. Next I would hold the wights at my side, arms straight and do side crunches. Really feel your obliques squeeze. Do at least 25x on each side work up to doing 100x for each side. Another fun one for your back is I would take my arms up a little bit, elbows bent slightly and pulse/squeeze your back. Like you have wings and your flying... Then I do some arm lifts: biceps and triceps. I also have the bean to do crunches, etc on too. But that one sometimes gets too comfortable and I just lay on it!
  13. To pay down my debts/save for trips = adventure! Take care of myself better: eat right, exercise and read more (keeps my mind sharp and promotes better dreaming).... get a good night sleep every night also! Be fearless and follow my heart, a great reward might blossom from it!
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