((thanks for the note, JS))
"mid-Michigan's first annual Zombie walk?!"
I think not!
(or else we've been dreaming over here for the past several years... and oh what dreams they were! so vivid... so bloody!)
The latest poster is right- it's not over. WORLD ZOMBIE DAY is October 11th. Please visit http://www.ZombieWalkDetroit.com for the gory details, then get into your undead best and stagger through the streets with us!
..and though "WORLD ZOMBIE DAY" is only once a year, ZombieWalkDetroit.com hosts walks ANY time... so if you're interested in a little fun when folks are least expecting it (say, like in JUNE, hee!) then jump on our mailing list and come stumble around with us.
But enough about us- how was the Rochester walk? Fun?? Yay!