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Everything posted by GothicRavenGoddess

  1. Hello, beautiful creature. I was toiling away before I attempted to sleep again, and I thought of you. Your such a swwet person, and your kind conversaions make me smile. I thought that I would attempt to repay you in kind. Don't ever change. Evolve into a better person (if its possible to get any better) but don't change who you are. You are beautiful, and I love you as a human being ( me

  2. Dear DGN Genie, I have but one question thus far: will I ever find love, and will it stick? (this is the most entertaining thread i have ever read. I love you guys)
  3. loses, cuz i have been doing that all day. if you haven't noticed by now.. HA!!! in your face!!! *evil laugh*
  4. Jawohl: (ya-vole), its german for 'an excited yes, or agreeemnt' has now learned something new
  5. some one needs to take their meds, man.. mellow out. everyone's cool here.... gawd.. yelling for no reason.. upsetting ppl that were mellow to begin with...
  6. what is everyone talking about? I'M CALM!
  7. nope, my arms would be open to your flirting... heh did that sound naughtier than i entended?
  8. how the hell do you raise a warning level? hmmm?
  9. *gets a warm and fuzzy feeling in places* he.. we better stop before they have to move this threas into the sex section.. lol
  10. *starts crying* stop yelling... man... your just adding to the chaos
  11. yes, i could put up with you. you are great! question is: could you put up w/ my constant flirting?
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