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Everything posted by GothicRavenGoddess

  1. I just read this on someone's facebook. I am not really all that surprised, but still. its so sad... :(
  2. Why is it that I hurt when you hurt. You know just what to say to make me smile, and I can't even be there to comfort you. My heart aches, when your heart breaks.... I hate this. I'm so sorry things are shitty right now, for you. I wish I could help. I wish I could make it better. Your my friend, and I love you.
  3. I am feeling helpless. One of my dearest friends is hurting.. Some things have come up in their life.. i wish I could help. I love and care about this person and their well being (as with any of my friends). and I HATE that I can't do anything to make them feel better. I know that this is something they have to deal with on their own, and all i can do is be there for when they DO need me... but still I feel so utterly useless! *sigh* "Hope everything gets better for you sweetheart, and I'm here if you need me"
  4. kinda annoyed kinda betrayed very tired - of a lot of things exhausted foggy a little numb sad... above all, very sad... I feel like I lost a friend, and I could do little to stop it.... (they are still alive, but I think they pushed me away... I'm not real sure... the details are extremely foggy) Glad I still have my DGN family...
  5. my hair is quite red, but no where near as red as the pictures, though. (and to be honest, I have no idea why it looks THAT red lol) it looks A LOT redder than it did, in person, compared to when it was long. Brushing my hair is a dream now. No more hair breakage, either. my hair was SO bad, it was stretching, before it broke. >.< it was so gross, and knotted SO easily. I'm glad its healthy again. I've seen pictures of your long dreads. That looked really good on you. (though, I think you look more sassy, now)
  6. The ones with coconut, and the thin mints... : I can eat a whole box of each, in one sitting. LOL
  7. I couldn't go any further than that: So disgusting... Those poor kids are going to need a lot of help, in the years to come... and the babies... I can't imagine...
  8. my god you had pretty hair! What you gonna do with the braids? (My dad kept all his LOL and used em as book marks... ) The new hair look great! kinda heart breaking, though lol (long hair suits you very well! )
  9. Spring is in who's air, exactly? LOL I don't really have any plans this summer... but any time away from the pigs would be great....
  10. Thanks! I know having such tight curls has got to be a pain in the ass sometimes... but I wish my hair was a little more than just "slightly wavy" LOL but OMG it feels so smooth now! and I've stopped sleeping with it up (or at least trying too, sometimes I'm so tired I forget), so that it stops breaking so much. my ends were nasty.... I don't have to use as much conditioner anymore, (and not just because its shorter, but because all the split and broken ends are gone! LOL) The worst part about having it this short is when my hair's up, the pony tail pretty much stays in the collar of my shirt. its annoying but I deal LOL I think your hair would be gorgeous that length.
  11. lol then I suppose I lose, because my hair is at the bottom edge of my shoulder blades, now lol. It use to be all the way down to my butt. lol Before the hair cut: After the hair cut: I miss it long, but I don't miss how nasty the ends were. I'm going to keep trimming it, so that I can get it back long, but have it look so much healthier lol I DO love my new look, though. My hair hasn't been this short in YEARS... LOL and thank, everyone, for commenting. (both here and on FB)
  12. Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightening Thief. I really enjoyed it, though it seemed too short...
  13. I hope this doesn't mean what I think it does... and if it does, I'm really sorry!!! :
  14. white skirt I made out of an old table cloth, that has a tie-die drawstring purple tank top, under a black tank top which is under a dark teal shirt with white line drawings of flowers. (and yes, you can see the edges of the purple and black tank tops, in the front, and on one side, because the teal shirt came with a small split on one side, to be tied. and yes, its tied... its kinda reminiscent of those plastic circles that girls would wear on one corner of their shirts, in the 80s) oh yeah, I totally match.. and yes, I wore this outfit in public also, I have a black hoodie on. and a red blanket in my lap.. and sprawled out in the red blanket: a certain hairless wonder puss Edit: I just read the last post I made on here, and I realized I described the same shirt two different way... ROFL
  15. This entire thread has made me Especially the last one Spook posted. Also, shouldn't this thread be in the music discussion? o.O just curious...
  16. like I've been laying under a ton of bricks. my body hurts, my guts hurt... I'm grumpy and its that week... yeah. I feel awesome...
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