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Everything posted by GothicRavenGoddess

  1. would dance with, until we make everyone jelous of our fun, then limp off the dance floor i would try and hit enter sooner.. damnit, cuz i wasn't talking about captian obvious, or his deck swabber :-P
  2. has forgotten that this is about the person ABOVE you, not self... self actions should be put in either douple colins (::demonstates:: ) or these things (*demonstraits again*) hehehe
  3. me and phee were thread sparring, on three different topics.. that was fun, but now my head hurts
  4. well, humidity makes my hair wawl out... but it does make it thicker are you for or against or at a happy medium, when it comes to women's body hair?
  5. I'm not scared of you, if that tells you anything. and i don't know about the rest. Ever want to be like that guy in What Women Want, and beable to read their thoughts?
  6. It would be, if I knew you better And yes i do like your sence of humor what is the most forward thing you have ever said to someone? (mine was walking up to a complete stranger and telling them they had beautiful eyes)
  7. *changes subject to how to increase her own sex drive* he is at a loss for words... for the moment... hehehe
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