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Everything posted by GothicRavenGoddess

  1. likes to talk about socks (improbving on avatar)<--not sure how to spell that.... forest gump? wtf?
  2. Definition: Mutton is older, mature sheep. Lamb is young sheep. Older sheep produce a richer flavor, but it can be tough if not cooked properly. The best way to cook any cut of mutton is very long and slowly. It is popular in Middle Eastern and British cooking. (found at: http://mideastfood.about.com/od/glossary/g/mutton.htm)
  3. You can find the banners that were previously here, in my Gallery. I can't get the damn CODEBOX to post correctly, so... i just gave up.... those that have seen them, enjoyed them. I have one posted on MySpace, and on VF. i love this place... lol
  4. *dances around in her sexy night gown, in her computer room, pretending some is with her*
  5. what color is my.... how in the.. what the hell kinda.... *hangs her head* my head hurts...everytime i see the number 13, its neon blue, in my head.. does that count? Do you enjoy giving ppl headackes? LOL, i wasn't quick enough... lol I don't think he was asking that, tho......... *head still hurts from phee's question*
  6. yes she was. it was either right before or right after she was in that thelma and loise movie... Do you know what movie im talking about?
  7. its still cute.... and that travelocity comercial doesn't help either, huh? how do you watch it? and please don't think that im trying to make fun of you. That was mean, Phee...*waves her finger at him*
  8. I don't think that I have ever seen that one... Anyone see The Long Kiss Goodnight? Was I the only one that enjoyed it?
  9. It made sence to me, and I agree (mostly). And the parts that i don't agree on, well, its not that i disagree, its points are just not in sinc with me. They are for you. I hope THAT makes sence. Anyways. I don't fear anything. Not deep down. I don't want to be hurt again, but i don't fear it. I don't want to die in a great deal of pain, but i don't fear it. I don't want to live on the street (again), but... i don't fear it. You see where i'm going with this? There are things that I don't want to happen to me, but if they do, i am ready for it *grabs her ax and mace, and stands in a worrior pose*. Bad things happen, that's inevitable. I don't like it, but i don't fear them, as they come. the fears i posted earlier, as I have said, are petty, and unrealistic. I guess i adopted them as a fears, because its the human thing to do. For someone who loves unconditionally, i really do lack a lot of emotion, sometimes. I can be cold and heartless, but i try not to be... i think that i can identify with the character charlie, in The Long Kiss Goodnight. Not the charlie at the end, but the charlie as she first starts to manifest: cold and calculating... anyways... don't go running screaming to the hills.. you have nothing to fear, from me
  10. You forgot to add a question.... What movie(s) did you see that you hated so much that you want those hours of your life back?
  11. Thanks him for that, and looks forward to our dance in the rain... I fixed it, see? oooo a spanking...lol o.O
  12. hopes he likes my new signature. this one's dark.. and the "you" is a generic you. no one specific.... yet.........................
  13. The Devil's Child If you could meet any one person (keep in mind that no matter what, you'd be able to), and you had to chose for it was life or death, who would it be, and why? (they can be living or dead)
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