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Everything posted by GothicRavenGoddess

  1. I've been doing some more looking, and I found another site. Some of the stuff isn't as pretty, but its decent stuff lol I kinda like some of the stuff there... The Silver Lining Boutique It looks like its a store in the making.
  2. I don't agree with some of the pricing, but in some cases, I understand why they are so much. Read the blurbs under each item. Some of those things are made with vintage antique clothing or similar stuff. Doesn't make it right for them to make something almost $200, though.... I love this stuff... I wants it all lol the fabrics, all of it. I'd wear this stuff every day, if I could (covering my tummy, of course, until I was skinny again lol) but yeah. Even the stuff that is weird looking, I think it beautiful. Product Detail The Attic Collection-Irma La Douce Skirt--The ultimate one-of-a-kind gypsy skirt from Gypsy Moon...the over-skirt is apple green silk, the bottom half of a flapper dress that had a ripped bodice. It's sprinkled with antique sequins and pastes that are dark and mysterious, without being flashy. The many under-skirts are all silk chiffon and taffeta in a magical rainbow of shadowy colors and it's finished with an Edwardian silk velvet rose, amazingly beautiful after all these years. The stretch velvet waistband will fit up to size 10 and maybe larger but we know it was large on a size 6. There will be no more of these skirts, ever...so better grab it while you can! Shown with a custom one of kind Marinero Top and Gloves, an Edwardian sterling silver filigree belt and circa 1930s hat..all items available, please contact us for more information $1800.00
  3. The Link Zelda Rubinstein-- best known for her role as Tangina Barrons in the three "Poltergeist" films -- has died at the age of 76 from complications after suffering a heart attack two months ago. Rubinstein's first role -- not counting her voice work as Atrocia Frankenstone on "The Flintstone Comedy Show" -- was as Iris in the Chevy Chase box-office bomb "Under the Rainbow." The first role came at the relatively late age of 47, in a film she personally despised for its depiction of little people. The 4-foot, 3-inch Rubinstein's fortunes changed dramatically when she was cast as the now-iconic medium, Tangina Barrons, in "Poltergeist." She would have continued success on television, most notably as Ginny Weedon in the David E. Kelley drama "Picket Fences," plus other small but memorable roles in films like "Sixteen Candles." Rubinstein avoided what is known as the "Poltergeist" curse. Four of the cast members who starred in the series of three films died during the six years (1982-1988) between the first and third film. Dominique Dunne -- who was murdered by her boyfriend in 1982 at the age of 22 -- and Heather O'Rourke -- dying from septic shock in 1988 at the age of 12 -- were shocking tragedies. Will Sampson already had health problems before accepting a role in the second film and died from kidney failure in 1987 at the age of 53. Julien Beck was aware of his terminal stomach cancer before accepting the role of Kane in the second film -- he died in 1985. Louis Byron "Lou" Perryman -- who had a small role in the first film -- was murdered in 2009. It's arguable if two unexpected deaths from a film constitute a curse, but that perception remains quite popular among fans of the film series. The alive-and-well star of the first two films, Craig T. Nelson, starred on the hit comedy "Coach" and can soon be seen in the new series "Parenthood." As the first "Poltergeist" film still remains quite popular, many generations will remember Rubinstein's performance as Tangina, her calming presence explaining to a terrorized family, "There is no death. There is only a transition to a different sphere of consciousness." Steven Spielberg summed her up best when he said, "Good things can come in small packages, and that's certainly true of Zelda."
  4. So, recently, I described my general look as a "100 year old gypsy woman, who tripped over a 20 year old goth, and rolled down hill with said 20 year old goth" (Which is a hilarious mental image, by the way... ) I was looking up fashions that I love and it hits me: I'm often looking up medieval fashion, "elven" fashions, goth, punk, ect... but I never look up "gypsy" stuff... Well, I typed in "gypsy clothing" into Google (the ONLY search engine I use), and I came across this site: I don't know if anyone's ever talked about this site, but OMG, the clothes are amazing. Some is a bit cheesy, but man!!! Clicking the pictures will take you to the detail site for each item. There's tons more stuff there, so if you like it, post something you've found.
  5. Hopefully, (fingers are crossed), I'll be able to get my hair cut soon. Not too short, but I want to cut a good foot off (DO NOT worry!!! mu hairs grow FAST after they have been cut!!!), and I hope to keep my ends up, that way. If I keep up with the ends, do it about every 8-10 weeks, I'll have the same length hair, in no time, and it will be WAY healthier. And then, once I get it to where I wants it, I'll try and find some really awesome black dye that's got the raven's blue in it... that color always looked amazing on me, or maybe I'll try and find a burgundy black again (Nice N Easy made that color, and it looked better on me than any other color, and eventually faded to a beautiful dark red color... but I cannot find it anymore. ).... but hopefully I'll find something like it (this only darker). Ever since my hair stopped growing its original chestnut color (you know that color brownish red that is usually only found on horses ), it grows this ugly color that looks like dark unwashed hairs (just the color!), I like the black better. besides, my eyebrows are dark enough to be able to pull off this color, though they are actually really dark brown. (you can only tell they are dark brown, if I mistakenly use a black eyebrow pencil to fill in what I muffed up, when I'm tweezing... lol)
  6. doing alright. going to the Dr.'s soon, make sure everything's in working order. My health hasn't been the best, as of late, but I'm doing fine, otherwise. How are you doing?!

  7. stupid shit.. literally, shit (you know, poo?) that is stupid LMAO.. I made a funny. yeah, I'm a lame dork LOL
  8. You can be honest and truthful, and still be nice..... I do it all the time, but whatever.... its over, and that's ALL I have to say about it..
  9. ~*UPDATE*~ Deathfearsnone and I are currently updating the MysSpace for this group. The individual pictures will not be labeled, simply because what I see as paranormal activity, doesn't mean that you will see it. (I mean "you" as in a "general audience"), on top of that, those pictures were taken a while ago, and way before much thought was put into what we were doing.... Now we know what we want to do... The Albums are being re-labeled, if need be. We have fun, and just do our thing. Cemeteries don't contain ghosts of the people buried there (in my opinion), they contain the spirits and the energies of the loved ones that visited the dead, along with any entities that are drawn to such energies, which is why we go there. If we are allowed on other properties, legally, we do. We DO NOT condone trespassing, or vandalism, and we WILL NOT be participating in such behavior. What we are looking for in individuals: ~Open mindedness ~A willingness to accept new or alternative ways of doing things, and in tern,we will also be the same way. ~A team player. We want this to be a group effort. (Meaning, it isn't just about me or Deathfearsnone, or you, or the girl next door..., its about ALL of us, no one is better than the other person) ~Someone who is genuinely interested in doing this, and won't try and sabotage what we do. We aren't looking to prove if ghosts exist or not. We are just looking to find SOMETHING. Like I said, we have fun. If we find a ghost, awesome, if not, then we still have awesome pictures! ^_^
  10. Just because you are 22, and do that sort of thing all the time, doesn't make you an expert. Don't knock something someone does, because they don't do it the way that YOU do it. Shut the hell up...
  11. yay! someone found it funny! ^_^ and phee, what kind of granola bar is it? what flavor. I'm partial to the "oats and honey" flavor. I love eating them with cream cheese. damnit, now I'm hungry.. I wonder what cream cheese looks like in Zero-G...
  12. seeing the South Carolina state line sign ("You have now entered South Carolina") :\ I miss it. I never thought I'd miss a place, just as much as I miss the people there...
  13. I was just about to suggest that. its annoying as hell, to clicky... if I could get over to your side of town (or you to mine) we have like 4 keyboards... though, I think two of them don't fit newer computers lol the plug is a HUGE round one, not a small round one.... o.O
  14. I posted the thumbnail, cuz the bigger version sucks even harder when it comes to quality. I still love this picture because of how cute I look LOL it makes me giggle every time I look at it. oh, and here's a couple of me when I was 19 I miss that necklace with the skull and all the crosses--^
  15. pretty disappointed but over all, I'm in a good mood. I have ideas swimming around in my head about a scarf I'm making. I hope that they (the ideas) work out. That would be awesome... side note.. why is "disappointing" in the Firefox spell check, but not "disappointed"??? (I spelled "disappointed wrong -only too many S's and not enough P's- and it corrected it by changing the word to "disappointing". WFT o.O )
  16. Posting on DGN... its like visiting a group of mental patience who don't know you. the more you visit, the more they feel comfortable being around you.... (sorry if I offend anyone with that, but it really is true. and I'm not saying you all are mental! )
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