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Everything posted by GothicRavenGoddess

  1. I hate that this is happening... but at least they are doing it in May, when its starting to warm up a little bit, so us smokers aren't stuck freezing to death, trying to keep the other patrons from getting cancer...
  2. feeling.. well, like shit... I haven't felt well since the weather started being consistently cold. It sucks.. then my girl issues have gotten worse.... Sometimes I really hate having PCOS.... at this rate, I'm going to end up in the hospital again. :(
  3. I can't remember if I've posted this before or not... but here:
  4. *perks up* Really? :D


  5. I see you there.

    I wish you had a YIM or something so we could talk more. LOL :)

  6. too bad your list doesn't include chicks.*sighs and walks off bumbling "things always gotta be too good to be true" *

  7. My all female artist station on Pandora.
  8. ya know, I'd be up for this... except a few things that get in the way... one, my piggish room mates that hardly ever do anything... another thing: my room mate's three potbellied pigs... and lastly, my room... its tiny as hell... its 9x10, contains one full size mattress, and one gigantic pile of dirty clothes, because we don't have an in-house washer or dryer, and its hard as hell to wash any amount of clothes in one's bath tub.. *sigh* yeah.. this is why I'm always lonely (other than DFN being over here), and shy away from people coming over, because I'm too embarrassed to have people over... (don't get me wrong, I'd love company!) not only that... but gas is next to zilch. I love you guys, great idea, though lol
  9. Really? I mean you are seriously telling me this?! I asked you ONCE, if you could drive a freaking mattress to someone who really needs it, and you said you were fine with it, as long as you had the gas... and now because said person won't talk to you for valid reasons, you'd rather give it to someone else, or throw it away? Who's being the cunt? Certainly not the person you are upset with....
  10. I got one and I didn't even post here! LOL Thanks! I loved it! I love getting mail.. sadly, I don't know too many physical addresses of people to even send mail out to get it. I am more of an email kinda girl, but sometimes that nice personal touch, with someone's handwriting in it... there's just something about it that will never take the place of an e-mail... Funny thing is, my mind still goes to that place "well, if you have their e-mail, what's the point of writing a letter, or even calling, because then your letter won't get lost at the post office, and you are more likely to reach them, than calling..." yeah. I'm such a geek LOL but hearing someone's voice, and again, seeing their handwriting... one just needs that HUMAN touch, at least every once in a while... Thanks Marie!! I you! ^_^
  11. my teeth hurt. my head hurts. I'm annoyed, and a bit disappointed... (for some reason, my Firefox doesn't have the correct spelling of "disappointed"... I have to select "disappointing" and then edit the word LOL) cold. cold is a very good word for how I am feeling, because it covers both the physical and the non.... Edit: "work" and "word" do NOT mean the same thing. I dunno how I even typo-ed that, because the "k" and the "d" are on opposite sides of the keyboard. literally. Both are three in, if you place your fingers on the "home row keys" o.O Actually, that my be the exact reason why I mistyped LOL
  12. I wish I had a job, so that I could be at work, when everyone else was at work, so I wouldn't be so bored during the day... yeah.. lamest excuse to want a job LOL
  13. I am not making this shit up. Here's the link, before its flagged: Clicky
  14. well, it didn't ruin my day... just sort of let me down a little... *sigh* there is now a fine white powdery covering all over everything outside... o.o winter is upon us. :(
  15. thanks, everyone, for all your hugs and good vibes. I just wish the PCOS would go away... at this point, I could care less if I ever have children, I just want to not be in a constant state of PMS... yes, constant... *sigh* :
  16. here ya go.. a "SFW" picture I have to note, though.... I do not care for thigh high boots.. just not my thing...
  17. awww! I was interested. I keep forgetting to look at this thread... but I don't have a right all the way out there... oh well... I'm not good at that sort of thing anyways.... everyone, have fun! and I look forward to seeing the end product!.
  18. Like my libido has died, and taken my sanity with it... combination of depression, never ending girl issues because of my PCOS, and no insurance or job, has lead me to this point. There is something wrong with me, and I have no money to fix it. *sigh* The depression, now, is a direct result of my PCOS going wacky on me... I don't even want to be touched, really.... *sigh* even my cat's presence in the bed at night (he always sleeps in my arms) is starting to annoy me, though I don't sleep as well, when he's not in bed... Everything, and everyone is starting to get on my nerves. and its not their fault. asking them not to do this or that is like asking them not to be human. ugh. I hate myself right now. and not in the low self esteem sort of self loathing. I'm talking about the "my body and mind are fucking up on me and I can't even stand to be in the same room with them!" sort of way.... I just want to be left alone, but I don't want to be left in solitude. Nothing makes sense anymore, and I'm constantly in a foul mood... like I said.. everything's getting under my skin....
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