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Everything posted by GothicRavenGoddess

  1. If my mind wasn't in the gutter, it'd be homeless. LOL but you can shoot me, if you wish hehehe that sounded dirty.. SEE?!
  2. slightly annoyed.... at just about everything.... everything, not everyone lol can't sleep, but I'm really tired... ugh animals (mine and their's) kept me up today, and there's a lot going on all day today. I'm really going to hate today, i just know it.... really starting to get REALLY annoyed.....
  3. here's a tip that my mom taught me: take your less dominant hand, and take your foundation and rub in a dab on the line of your hand, at the thumb. I'm talking the space where the top of your hand meets the inside of your hand, near the wrist. the reason being, is usually, the color of this skin is really close to the color of your face. (I dunno why, but its usually true for white and fair skin individuals.. not always, but usually) if it blends in, then you can use it... if it doesn't match, sometimes its either a shade lighter or darker... mom told me that its better to do this, than to put it on your face. I dunno why. But it works.. its also a good way to blend foundations, if you have more than one color.... always on the hand first, then the face lol anyways... YouTube is awesome for makeup tutorials... if you look at my page on there (same as my DGN name) I have subscribed/favorited quite a few. I love watching them, and most are professionals, they give great tips on skin care as well as actual makeup tutorials. and remember: for everyday wear, more is not always better. also, people wear darker shades at night, because they are easier to see.. during the day, or a brightly lit environment calls for lighter shades. I usually do outlandish colors on myself, but if you aren't into that, you want to highlight your features, not paint around them LOL
  4. I've shown this before, but I love love love it lol The original: A version that DBK did: He blurred it to put emphasis on my eyes and lips. This is a version that I did using GIMP. It was the first time I'd really used the program, and DBK's edit is what inspired me. (by the way, my favorite type of photos are black and white, and sepia - though, sometimes, color is just needed lol) I put emphasis on the same features as DBK did, but I did it a little differently. I think it makes me look other-worldly lol I still don't know which version I like better. Also... here's a pic that Munin did of me: The Original:
  5. he's talking about the last picture, I assume.... which i like the most by the way.
  6. You Are Tara You are smart, standoffish, and skeptical. You're a hard person to win over. You had a traumatic childhood, and because of it, you don't make personal connections easily. Because you're so vulnerable, some people may find you easy to take advantage of. But no matter what, you're a fighter. You can't be held down for too long! Who Are You on True Blood? Blogthings: A Fine Line Between Insight and Stupidity Now that, I did not see coming... o.O
  7. lol yeah, i forgot to note that I agreed with Angel lol but more so, i don't see you as hippies.. i see you as... well... embracing the very spirit of yourselves.
  8. to be honest, I believe it is the dreads and the colors, and perhaps the fact that every time I am around you two, I smell a natural musk incense (its a rather beautiful smell, by the way, and you'd seem naked without it..... though I wonder if I'm the only one that smell this lol - not to be confused with the very natural smell of body odor, which isn't all that pleasant LOL - which I have to say, I've never smelled on either of you... though... if you did smell like armpits, cuz for some reason some people tend to believe that hippies don't bathe, it would make more sense for one to call you hippie lol) perhaps its not that at all.. being very young, and born in the 80's my ideas of what a hippie are are constructed from pictures taken in the 60's, and films either of the 60's or meant to fall in that time period... and from what I see... its the fact that where ever you go, without even trying, you have a very thick air of love, all around you.. you embrace all beings, no matter who they are, what they believe (even if you don't agree with it)... and both of you always have something wise and deep to say, even if you aren't meaing to be wise and deep lol I hope that makes sense. Sometimes I have a hard time explaining what I mean, or how I feel... and it ends up looking like an insult, when its not meant to be...
  9. OMG! I just got a phone call from Forever 21, in the mall! I HAVE A JOB INTERVIEW ON SUNDAY!!!!! ^_^
  10. *giggles* YAY! now, hopefully someone will take us seriously, and will respond... also, we are hoping to shoot for something with a touch of gothic in there.
  11. I've been pretty good... Job thing is frustrating, but still looking. :) How are you doing?

  12. I read the flier at the top of your profile... Congrats on being booked at a show! I know you've been working really hard with your music projects. :)

  13. hey hun. How are you doing? :)

  14. wow, there are several Photoshop threads! lol counting: one
  15. he's getting his own show!!! I can't wait! actually, if I'm not mistaken, it premiers in two days! ^_^
  16. actually, if they're exactly like my dad's curls, I'd be happy, because no matter how tangled his hairs got, his curls were always smooth and easy to manage. lol he got black curls and thickness, with Indian smoothness... my hair was ruined by my mother's genes lol
  17. also, I think I'm a little jaded, because of this easily entertained thing, because I can't wrap my head around the fact that other have such a hard time entertaining themselves... I mean, I am an only child, and no friends that live near by (which has been the case for most of my life), so I've had to entertain myself for years now... so i guess its really easy for me....
  18. I must be the most easily entertained human being in the world.. where most people would be bored out of their minds, I'm quite content.... o.O
  19. My dream hair color is black, with blue and red undertones (meaning it looks like that, when the sun hits it) so... I guess.. something like a raven's wing lol but I want my daddy's curls... he's got beautiful curls, and all I got are waves. :( *sigh*
  20. OMG! ok, before I continue, I must say that: I get an Etsy.com news letter, everyday. and in that news letter is a different theme, and then a small selection of items from different stores, that fall within that theme.. Today's theme is: The Modern Warrior... I'm scrolling down the page, looking at some of the ugly, yet cool looking items.. then I see something that looks familiar.. I'm sure by now that you have already guessed it, since I'm in this thread, and I've mentioned Etsy.com... Yes.. the people who make and sell these corsets and such have an Etsy.com account! www.AntisepticFashion.etsy.com yeah... I thought it was nuts, too! Edit: there were two parts to the news letter, and I didn't see the second title lol... its fixed now.
  21. exhausted but can't sleep... annoyed that I can't sleep... ugh it never ends... plus its cold in here but if I turn the heat on, it gets really hot in my room, to the point where it can't be healthy or safe... *sigh* yeah, life's great. lol ugh
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