I was a bit disappointed that the movie didn't even follow along the same line as the book. Their names were all the same, and the basics were the same (the girl, the creatures), but that's as far as it went. Yes, she did have to chose between a guy or her family... In the end of the book, some bad things happen, she gets shot, and because she's going into shock, she can't fully from into one or the other... In the end, she ends up with the man she's meant to be with all along: the leader of the pack...
In the movie, it ended just as Hollywood wanted it to. The girl gets the boy of her dreams, and they drive off into the night.
Both make fro a great story. And they really were. I wouldn't say that this was the worst movie adaptation of a book, because well, it was a lose interpretation, and it was a good movie. Had I not read the book first, I wouldn't be so disappointed as I am. i was looking forward to this movie, for many years. And I got so excited when I saw the trailer for the movie (or rather, caught the end of the trailer) The book was written for young adults, about high school KIDS. The movie was written for young adults, about well, young adults. Both were good, but I wanted the scream at the screen because this movie broke my heart. "Never judge a book by its movie" stands strong here, because the movie is so far from the book, that its almost two separate stories. Almost.
I wonder if anyone who was involved with the writing of this movie, even read the book, or understood why the book ended the way that it did.
No matter. I recommended both, though watch the movie first, or your heart will break, like mine did.
You can watch the movie here. <--- Clicky