nope, nothing's wrapped.
Ok, let me explain: when i popped the bobbin cover back in, the crank didn't turn smoothly (that's the large wheel on the top right of the machine, the one that if you turn it by hand, the needle moves up and down), and when I went to sew, the thread knotted up, and wouldn't do right.
I looked inside, because this sort of thing tends to happen when you don't have the bobbin cover on right (not popped in there all the way) or extra thread gets tangles in there some how, ect ect. it was none of those. I took all the little parts out (this is a front loading bobbin, by the way, meaning I take the little front thing off, flip open the little door, and it pops out) things were going fine, up until this point. and I mean perfectly fine!!!! I thought maybe the bobbin was too big or too small for the slot, but that's not the case, as it does it with the bobbin I was using that ran out of thread...
um... it seems to be the inner piece.. the one that moves back and forth as you sew. its half ring, and has the rod on it, that the bobbin sits on. if you sew, you know what I'm talking about.. none of that's bent out of shape, there's only one way to put it in there, so I know its right, and everything clicks into place.. I don't understand what's going on... maybe my machine muffed up, and me turning the knob to slide the needle over made something internal screw up? BUT its MEANT to do that?!?!?!
man, if someone has a machine that's collecting dust, isn't ancient, and runs well, I'll take it off your hands. *bats eye lashes*
This was going to be my lively hood, since I can't seem to get a stinking job. *sigh* so much for that...
and man, if I could, I'd steal your machine and your serger lol
(I needs a serger, but would have to lose one arm, and both legs to pay for it, then I couldn't sew cuz i only got one hand!)
I feel totally useless and worthless at this point...
and if the day couldn't get any worse, I can't seem to find my little screwdriver that came with my machine. and if you know anything about these damn things, that's the only one that works, to take the face plate off, cuz its the only one that will fit in that small space... *sigh*
so i can't even find that, to take the plate off, to make sure its not something as simple as trapped lint...
I'm good at what I do... I just feel broken, because my machine is a part of me, and its broke..
thanks Murphy... thank you and your stupid law.. ugh...