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Everything posted by GothicRavenGoddess

  1. I told you that Murphy and his horried law exists.. Today was proof enough for me, love. I LOVE YOU, SMIZMAR! Don't feel sad. what am I saying. I'm down too. ugh. this day hasn't ended soon enough. I should have never gotten out of bed... should have just let it fly on by.. and now my cut little skirt won't get made. Anyone got a machine that's collecting dust? *sigh*
  2. Its alright, I still loves ya. it did cheer me up a little, though.
  3. well, I was going to post that I was going, but it looks like a no go. *sigh* (I was in the middle of sewing a really cute skirt, but it doesn't look like I'll be able to finish it, with my machine issues)... on top of that, yeah, I'm broke. I miss you guys...
  4. like I'll never get this machine thing figured out.. my sewing machine. ugh. so frustrating...
  5. tried the first, ended up breaking my lamp, instead... and to the second..
  6. yes, all the inside things are in there right, nothing's bent. the bobbin cover's on properly, ect, ect. I don't know, something could be off. that's what it seems to be... the thing that pops out that moves the thread, seems to be the issue. I take that out, and it cranks properly. but I need that part in there for the thread to move around lol
  7. when the hand crank wheel turns its starts effing up. ugh. so its catching the bobbin thread, correctly, the first time, every time after that, its not working right... and it just started. you would normally be right, though. when i have this issue, it is the tension. I adjust it, and it works right. this time, it seems to be an intermal issue, and it just started... I mean, I was sewing earlier, and now it won't work right.
  8. I've tried that. it seems to be the inside. I don't know.I'll try again... :( This is so frustrating... :(
  9. ok, I was sewing along.. like normal.. thread runs out of the bobbin. Normal. I fill a new one.. normal... go to put it in, threads like normal.. went to sew... and everything went to hell. I went to turn the knob that control's needle placement, and after that, the thread keeps getting tangled where the bobbin goes. ugh. and without the bobbin in there, the wheel you turn, to hand crank it, won't turn smoothly, like it was. and it was working all properly up until this moment. none of my parts are bent, and are in there right. my needle's not bent... but the thread keeps getting tangled... what do I do?! I'm going nuts!
  10. Like I am going to destroy my fucking piece of shit sewing machine.
  12. I liked it. Some of the stuff was a little out there, like the air field behind the Smithsonian. (which is actually some where in AZ, by the way) ugh. but other than that... I enjoyed it, and feel it is very much worth the money that was paid to see it. I would watch it again. That's all I'm saying...
  13. Finding out some wonderful news about two of my favorite people! ^_^ I am SO happy! Those two.. Such Happy News!!! ^_^
  14. hearin' my smizmar's voice, and then getting some tracks from a certain band. WOOT!
  15. I am currently talking to the drummer for the band Enchanter, on YIM, and he sent me the demos for their up coming album, plus all the track from the CD I use to have of their's (that, after it came out, he had mailed to me, with everyone's signature) since I lost it, when I lost my house.. lol He's so nice. Ray Perron. You should check em out http://www.enchantermusic.com/ or http://www.myspace.com/thebandenchanter. You like classic metal, I think you'll like this band.. sorry. I'm shameless sometimes lol *jams out at 3:16 in the AM*
  16. DIE YOU MOTHERFUCKING MOSQUITO! STOP BITING ME! *swat* *slap* *swing* *miss* *facepalm* *itchy*
  17. ^------ Kinda like that and maybe a little of "i wish i was dead the world and snoring obnoxiously"
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