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Everything posted by GothicRavenGoddess

  1. Like Vampire Rave's Server issues are pissing me off
  2. Thanks, lovelies. I also posted this in both my MySpace blogs. If you want you can link all your friends to them and tell them to sign it! lol Please, pass the word around. I'm posting this where ever I can... If you'd like to post this in your blog, I have the HTML to do it, just shoot me and email on yahoo (the name is the same as my DGN name) Thanks!!!
  3. VERY shocked at what's going through legislation right now... I made a post about it... Read about it HERE
  4. I've signed it. Everyone needs to sign it. E-mail it to friends, pass it along, PLEASE! And PS, please don't bash those that wish to see this act tossed. Some of us make our living making DIY clothing and accessories!
  5. New fashion copyright bill will let big companies own public domain designs and bury young, indie designers in legal costs (Click Link Below to read more:) http://www.boingboing.net/2009/06/06/new-f...n-copyrigh.html Design Piracy Probation Act (For Those Of You Who Wish To Sign This Petition to BAN the Act, click the link below:) http://www.petitiononline.com/hr2196/petition.html
  6. I'm from South Carolina... and your rant upset me. I'm going to gather all my honky friends and we are gonna go burn some crosses and lynch some folks who aren't christian and white, just to display how upset we are
  7. With the amount of DGNers I saw there, I'd have thought I'd see more reports! >.< People: TheLordOfSin: Love you Smizmar! I'm so glad you had a great time pRick: Thank you so much for a ride!!! You Are AWESOME! Storm Knight: Funny as always! Thanks for the complements. Glad I didn't poke your eye out lol Bean Water: So glad you could make it out! Missed The Eternal. *hugs* GothKitty: Glad to finally meet you. Loved your outfit. Jessika Fxckin rocks and LizZyBeaR420: Great seeing you again. ^_^ I had a blast with you guys! ^_^ HAHAHAHAHA! LizZyBeaR420, you lost your pants by the end of the night.. your butt was glowing neon green, on the dance floor. lol FIN! I saw you, sharkman! WOO! Looking handsome as ever! So lovely running into you! ^_^ um... Msterbeau: ^_^ great seeing you again! I hope that your friends enjoyed their night and the Club. um um um... damnit, who else did I see?! Um, ran into Darque Metalion, and Rambo They are doing good, by the way, in case anyone wants to know. Gawd, if I missed anyone, I'm so sorry!!!!! Please remind me! ^_^ I had a fucking blast! SO good to get out and see everyone! The music was great! OH YEAH! I SAW skyfire, and hugged TheGimp. He was at the door, writing "twat" on everyone's hand.. *scratches head* I thought they fired you, bro? OMG, how could I forget, the most beautiful girl in the world??? TheOsakaKoneko(and OMG, I spelled it right, the first try, this time)!!!! It was so awesome seeing you again, you lovely lady! I loved your dress!
  8. :D Good. :) I'm glad. And I'm happy to hear that you are doing better. :) Even if its just a little better. Its better than being worse. lol

  9. AWWW< Aunti Hille! you are a beautiful lady, with such sparkle! whether you feel like it you do! Lady, you glitter like a blooming rose after the rain! (cheasy, i know).. but you! I admire you! Such a lovely spirit, and heart, and mind, and body. You are Goddess in every way, because you.... you don't let your humanity (as in: an earthly self) hold you back. yes, you have responsibilities and such, but you listen to what not only your heart says, but your body as well! I love you, dear lady! Don't you ever doubt yourself, and don't let anyone make you think you need to! (I seriously hope that made scene and I didn't just stick my foot in my mouth. I sometimes do that when I'm trying to express to someone how i feel about them... it sometimes can be taken all wrong... so please bare with me. )
  10. Why, when I read this, did this come to mind? (Thank LordOfSins for IMing this to me last night)
  11. yeah well,notice when the first one was made. I kinda started early lol I couldn't help it... didn't want anyone else starting this thread. lol He is my Smizmar, after all lol ^_^ I say it again: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ^_^
  12. I GOT A NEW KITTEH! Meet Bones! His name was Frosty, because he has white hair's on his tail... I didn't want a traditional Black kitty name.. (I mean, seriously, I named a Russian cat a Japanese name lol) AND I am totally in love with the show BONES, and me and Steph were throwing names back and forth, and I was like BONES! and she was like YES! so! This is BONE! BONES! BONES! BONES!
  13. Yes, I'm aware that I'm early, but tomorrow morning at 1am, he will be 25! Wish him a happy b-day! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BABY!
  14. like I have gone over to the dark side lol (look at my signature - tweet tweet) um.. very excited. I'm going to start making Rune, tarot, power stone, pouches. a bit overwhelmed... there's so much still to do!!!!!!! >.< Meeting a very nice lady who is Hawaiian. who's hopefully going to help me... if she's hot enough I'm gonna steal her from her boyfriend. lol shady, but oh well. lol naw if I can get a good friend out of it, that would be awesome... and she's local. I don't have very many local female friends. Wait, I don't have any local friends, male or female. lol so yeah... um, that's about it. lol *spreads some of me good energies with those that need it!!!* I R A Happy Kitteh! speaking of kitteh's.... I got another one! I named Bones. He's black and is fuzzy. He's so pretty. ^_^ I'll post a pic of him elsewhere. BUT I AM HAPPY! ^_^
  15. I'm such a loser that no one else found that amusing... ah well. lol
  16. This weekend is TheLordOfSin's B-day weekend as well, and we all are trying to get out there. ^_^ but we shall see. I hope so... but yeah... *sigh*
  17. HEHEHE Look what I found! *drum roll* A pic of Bean Water and Eternal lol don't freak out kids stupid attachment thingy wouldn't let me upload a pic lol here it is:
  18. if you type in my screen name, you will see every post I ever made, on DGN. I've used it for years so if someone I'm working for finds out my regular e-mail, and they google it, I'm not hard to find.... I utterly dispise facebook. I used it, for a time, to get away from the myspace drama that happens, but i got rid of it a while ago. MySpace it is, and MySpace it will stay. I have a livejournal, but I hardly use it. i use my myspace blog.. and you can edit it, like you can your profile, you just gotta know how. i was on MyYearbook, too, but its a bigger popularity contest than Vampire Rave. Which I'm on... I also use to be on VampireFreaks, mainly as a member of a support group for people seeking some help with their cutting... those that have kicked the adiction, but need some other support.... I offered advice and whatnot... yeah, it helps when the person who is helping you is someone, who at one point in their life, when through the same thing but is in a stable place with it... but anyways...
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