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Everything posted by GothicRavenGoddess

  1. like I'm gonna take a break from DGN, for a while...
  2. Will talk it over with the room mates and see what's going on. If I can make it, I'll definitely post here again. Man,I can't wait!!!! ^_^
  3. I am very happy that I am getting back in touch with old friends. I am kinda sad that I have to say goodbye to a dear friend. I just hope that he doesn't try to pull something, to try and make my SO question his feelings for me. I know this friend of mine fights and plays dirty, so who knows. If he does, then it just solidifies the fact that I need to say good bye and walk away, for good. VERY happy, otherwise. My heart is swelling with the love I have in there. lol for everyone that needs one.
  4. will this situation pass, and certain people move on, without trying to screw with my happiness?
  5. but but but... nevermind.. lol *runs*
  6. I wish that certain people would grow the eff up.... erg... I hope that those that no longer need me, fare well in life. I am deeply in love, and deeply grateful for the most wonderful man in my life. I need his lungs to breath, his heart beat keeps me alive. I feel that I have been lost all of these years. I love him more and more with every day that passes, with every second that ticks away. I have this need to become his fon-fon ru, in the very near future (not so soon as to be impractical, of course.... when we are both ready) but the want and need is getting stronger by the day. If I ever had any doubts about us, they have hence washed away. I have never been so sure about anything in this life, or any other. We may not get Eternity together, but I would trade that for just one life with this man. I LOVE HIM, I LOVE HIM, I LOVE HIM! *looks up at the sky in gratitude* Thank you, Goddess, for blessing me with this soul. Thank you for allowing us to come together. I am forever in your debt, m'lady. *bows* *does a leaping dance in the ring of toadstools, and laughs with glee, as the fairies dance with me, in the air, above my head*
  7. OMG, i love them both. thank you SO much! ^_^
  8. *sigh* very empty.... today's been rather..... depressing.... On a lighter note, today is me and Chris's 8 and 9 monthiversary. *sigh*
  9. i want one with a raven next to it you know the GothicRavenGoddess and maybe one for MistressRaven (my other handle) ^_^ your's, with the kitty, is so damn cute!
  10. i feel like I blame the delusional, sleepless ness that is me. WWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (truth be told, I'm a bit grumpy. lol oh well, don't care... I got my dancing man! )
  11. when i read the title of the thread, i seriously thought this thing was in the wrong section *giggles* moving on! i gots three computers at my fingertips... that's about it... as far as other things... he's not a toy, but he is the most amusing thing to play with (get your damn mind out the damn gutter) my cat, Ryuu.
  12. actually, it holds 300 not comfortably, of course... At least, that's how many tickets got sold for a show i went to. sardines have more room. even if its cold out, wear something light, cuz it will get really hot in there. anyways, sounds like a fun event. I'll be missing it, though. Have fun, for all who are going.
  13. aw hun. :sad good luck. have fun (yeah, i said it) and give em hell! ^_^ :groupug i miss ya already... wish we coulda hung out more lol
  14. Like a part of me is lost.... Like I can feel the pain and sadness that everyone is feeling... Like my "site" is getting sketchy, and is really pissing me off... erg... (i needs to cast a circle, and consult with my Goddess, but I lack the tools and the coven... *sigh*) Wishing I could spend more than a day and night with my smizmar... Hoping like hell I get this full time job, even if its minimum wage... (at least that's not at $5.15/hr anymore, but that's still WAY more than I'm making now... which is NOTHING) Wishing and hoping that the people head of zoning, in Ypsi say yes, and we can move into that big house, and have more room... *sigh* hoping that what's making me sneeze and cough is spring coming and not yet ANOTHER cold coming on, erg! sending my love and affections to all my DGN brothers and sisters, because we all need a little.... to everyone.
  15. heh, I've been eating total crap lately. I'm indulging in some diet pepsi vanilla, but unless I'm out and about, I usually drink only juice. lol well... I have to admit: I'm currently eating fried chicken (breaded in whole wheat flour!), and grits. yes, grits. with butter and cheese, and salt. none of that pansy sugar crap.. ugh... i have been craving it all day. I miss home. ah well... I need to cut back on my food intake.... I have noticed that I'm crave eating... replacing the smoking of a cig with the eating of food, even when I'm not hungry. I'm not hungry now, but I've been busy all day, and the rest of my body is telling me to eat. I had a sandwich earlier today, but that's it.. *sigh*... my weight hasn't gone up, well, i should say, my size hasn't gone up. and I don't see a fat cow in the mirror anymore. I see someone who'd becoming cute and beautiful. bout time! (course, I'm still realistic, I'm still a size 15, and you won't see me prancing around in belly shirts and booty shorts, --unless I'm at home-- lol) good job everyone. I'm going to implement more exercise. I now have clean carpets, and don't dread laying on the floor (which is what was keeping me from doing it, before..) so now... no excuses! so! if you see me online, in the morning - i'm talking after 12 pm), send me an Yahoo IM and tell me to get my ass off the computer and go exercise... lol
  16. oo piece of candy... oo piece of candy... oo piece of candy... oo piece o- OOOOOO SHINY!
  17. *sigh* I figured as much... Will I ever have children from my own womb?
  18. will my cat ever stop bringing half dead animals into the house?
  19. there's proof that she wore a dress, in there lol But awesome pics, awesome wedding, awesome ppl... and Ryuu was pooped out on the ride home, steph told me lol CONGRATS, WRECKY, AND JYNXXXY!
  20. silly face... I loves you!!!

  21. Greetings! And Merrt Meet! And Welcome to DGN! I just wanted to say that if you love both paths, you can find middle ground between them... some don't choose... its just finding away to meld the two... Some, more open minded folks, believe that our Lady Goddess is just another face of the Sacred Mother, or Mary, or whatever they all call her. good luck. and if you need a witchy ear to talk to, I'm here.
  22. groggy... I have been reading a book series, started yesterday at about 5 pm or so, stopped reading at almost 7am, and I'm already on book three. lol its not as riveting as some books I have read, but they are good. Definitely for late teens, as there is a lot of cussing in it.. (F-bombs all over the place), but its written like teens would talk so its not out of place. Excited for a friend, who's one and only is coming to town ^_^ Missing my Smizmar... I haven't seen him in almost a month. This being poor shit's got to go... *sigh* I'm gonna talk to my room mate and see if she'll take me to a few places in Ann Arbor that are hiring; see if I get any hits.... Coordinating schedules sucks, with only the one vehicle... *sigh*
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