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Everything posted by GothicRavenGoddess

  1. yeah, i feel ya there, only kinda... i had the flu, then period, then this nasty cold... yeah, my life's just effing grand, i tells ya... grand! for everyone feeling less than their 100% selves..
  2. YAY for more pets!!! lol YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the meds kicked in, and my nose isn't stuffed up... thing I hate about cold meds is when they dry you up, the cold air hitting the back of the throat really hurts the raw spots
  3. oh yeah, and i think that purple would be a good all around color, for like street team, cuz it matches the DGN colors. IMO, red should stay with money contributors, mods should be yellow (and if they are more than one thing, have the plus sigh, or numbers, or whatevers in their resective colors, next to the "Group" title. For example, I am a Streat team level three... so on the "who's online" section of DGN, my name should appear as such: GothicRavenGoddess (3). But lets say I became a moderator (heaven forbid lol ) Here's how I propose the name look: (since I'll always be a street team member but not a moderator) GothicRavenGoddess (3)(m)Or what if I contributed financially? hmmm... lets see: GothicRavenGoddess (3) (m) (B) --or (S), depending on if supporter or benefactor--... just some ideas, but now that I made this post i think its a bit complicated lmao... oh well... it seemed like a good idea, when i started this little adventure. lol yeah, me = dork..... and delusional from lack of sleep and oxygen (i haz a bad cold lol)
  4. you guys do know that the nature of the vote you can check more than one box, right? 0.o (which is good, cuz then you can use the runner ups accordingly)
  5. Like we are broke (the word "broke doesn't even begin to describe the lack of funds!!) as hell, and I need some NyQuil (not my drug of choice, but it will knock me out and make me feel better) my guts, my throat, my nose, my mouth all hurt from all the coughing and sneezing and nose blowing.... i can't sleep, cuz i can't breath... literally, i wake up because I can't take proper breaths, cuz of the fluid in my lungs.... I just took the last of the sudafed.... here's to 4 hours of sleep, once it kicks in... : I am utterly miserable. I barely have an appetite, and when my tummy does growl and i feed the beast, i feel like shit, all over again.... someone come shoot me with a bear trank, so i don't feel this anymore... PLEASE! : :
  6. i voted for 3, 4,5, and 6 white is to eh, and blue is too hard to read on the background lol personally, i think that white should be for those that haven't done anything but join and post (meaning no street team, no contributing financially, ect. )
  7. sick again, this week.... so I'm sure I'll drop some weight again... ugh.....
  8. i feel like I'm not going to have a voice left. thank goodness I don't have to talk that much... so i don't think I'll lose it that badly.. I keep coughing, though... i took a hot hot hot shower earlier.... relieved some tension, and broke up a lot of the congestions.... ugh.... i feel like shit....
  9. last week i had the flu, this week, i have cold that has settled in my lungs.... and everything hurts.... so, i feel like shit... i had an amazing weekend with my smizmar. and i'm looking forward to this new business venter that me and my roommate are going to be getting into.... and I can't wait to see my closest girl friend, Angel, on the 26th, so that I can help her with the things she needs to get done. I miss seeing that pretty lady.
  10. i had a wonderful Valentines Day, and mothaversary. I love you, so very much. I am so greteful to have you in my life, and I cherish every moment together. ^_^

  11. fuckin frustraited... I made this long ass post in here and the fuckin pocket pc fucked up... all I wanna do is crawl into bed and sleep beside him....its our last night together, for who knows how long, and I can't fuckin sleep!.... what the fuck!?! and on top of that, the fuckin pocket pc keeps fuckin up... allergies keep kickin my ass.... :rant: :rant: thing that bothers me the most is my nose won't stop dripping, and I CAN'T FUCKIN SLEEP!!! and I can't figure out why I'm so damn antsy....
  12. I am VERY happy! I got to spend a long weekend with my sweetie, my grandmother has a yahoo account now, so I can talk to her all the time. ^_^ I get to hang out with my Angel, coming up soon, and we are gonna spit shine her abode, in preperations for her love to come and stay. I'm glad to help! I've got several clothing projects in the works... (check my DGN profile for the site)... I can't wait to start sewing!!! so I am REALLY happy!!! I still wish I had a regular job, but until we can get more than one vehicle, I'm S.O.L. Anyone need their house cleaned? Got all the fixens to organize your garage, but just don't have the motivation? or hell, want some help? PM me, for negotiaions... I will work! Need all the cash I can get, right now... Anything will do... so I guess you could say I'm feeling a bit... desperate... lol so yeah... oh yeah, I'm missing my friends from SC, and a lot of my friends, here, that I haven't seen in a while... I you guys... ^_^
  13. feeling very loved... since I have gotten here, he has made me food, snuggled me, and told me about things we both have an interest in... I my Smizmar
  14. feeling... bordom, sleepiness, full from pizza, longing for my laptop to be fixed, sadness that it more than likely won't be... . happy to be spending time with my boyfriend, even though I don't know when I will see him ahain after this weekend, I will cherish our time together... . pride... today is my little brother's 18th birthday... I hope he knows how much I wish I could be there... I miss my family...
  15. I miss you so much, baby..... I wish your phone was working... :( Haven't talked to you all day....

  16. oh grow up, already! this isn't the third grade anymore!
  17. You Are OMG You're the type of person who's always shocked by the internet. Whether it's crazy news or a wild picture, you're always saying "Oh my god"! The only thing better than being shocked is shocking your friends. You're quite good at that too. And while you still allow yourself to be shocked, you secretly love it. You enjoy drama and gossip. What Internet Slang Are You?
  18. .........::the red crusade wages on::.........
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