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Everything posted by GothicRavenGoddess

  1. I envy those that are friends with their ex's. there are a few ppl that I wish i was still friends with, because despite the breakup, no matter the circumstances, they were really good friends. you, sir, are lucky. You aren't weird for it, you are blessed.
  2. If its a personal blow, I get mad. Don't call me fat, I already have self esteem issues. I don't like it when people make fun of others that are over weight, cuz you don't know how they got that way. It could be a serious health issue that lead them to be that way.. you can't assume that they are just lazy. I take offense... as far as motivating or discouraging... it doesn't affect me. I eat right because I have to, not because I'm trying to lose weight....
  3. for Troy: as for me: I am feeling the pains of the red crusade.... ugh... i can't wait til the battle is over, and my pain goes away.... sometimes I hate being a girl... defective ovaries, yet other parts of me haven't caught on that working is just pointless, and messy.. ugh... can't reason with a uterus lol
  4. ooo! ooo! me! Me! i can haz dem for my own portfolio? please????? I you! lol
  5. this was taken at the Leland, during me and Slogo's party. see my little guest?
  6. I am feeling that my menses are coming. I'm cramping really badly, but nothing is happening... with all this pain, i wish SOMETHING was happening!!!! I use to HATE my menses... now i just want the red to come, so the pain goes away.... *sigh*
  7. (your link was broken, Rev. -- I just selected the list and hit Ctrl C, then opened this window and hit Ctrl V ):
  8. i just ate a sort of casadilla... whole wheat pita cut open along the edge, so it lays like two tortillas, filled with cheese and microwaved. I'll more than likely not be eating anything else that heavy till way later today.... soups and broths, till i get back to being regular. being sick, violently off and on for 10 hours, isn't the kind of cleansing one needs lol but I'm feeling better, sort of....
  9. suprised that I lost 8lbs yesterday, from being sick. not my ideal way to lost that much weight in only a 10 hour period
  10. trying to stay hydrated, trying to keep at least some water in me.... fixen to go back to bed....
  11. ugh... i do has the flu... i been sick all day. :( I am just now able to keep water down. I'm hungry, but I'm too scared to eat. i'll be going back to bed, here shortly. Thanks goodness my bed was moved to the floor... having to climb onto a loft bed after one expels every thing from the body, isn't fun.... I'm a little more coherent than I was several hours ago. I could deal with one end... but both!? : least I'm keeping the water down, now.... I wanted to lose weight... this is NOT how I had in mind..
  12. I think I'm getting the flu. I feel like shit. I'm going back to bed.... ugh...
  13. I'm so glad this thread was first in the view new posts.... ok, first let me say that I don't care if you love animal, hate them... whatever. PIGS do NOT make good pets!!!!! maybe one... but no more than that... anything more and you might as well eat them... second, let me say that they are reported to be the 4th smartest mammal. Don't argue with me, Google it. I'm not in the mood. It is because of this, they act like human kids... always exploring, always curious... with ONE thing on their brains: "can I eat this?" and a pig will eat ANYTHING if it smells like food... that includes plastic bags! Third.... i HATE pigs. HATE THEM!!!! I woke up this morning at 7, to them getting into the fridge, because someone forgot to latch the baby latch... and I woke up, just now, to the middle pig, trying to take off with the damn remote! I am constant nanny to these animals, and Roomate 2 doesn't believe that they are as bad as i say they are and can't seem to wrap it around his head as to why I'm so pissed all the time.... why I'm so stressed!!! (course Roomate 1 does, and has tried to talk to #2 about it, but he just blows it off) I feel like I am a nanny, and a maid..... and I don't get paid for it... its all very frustrating.... great... my life is just great. I now see my boyfriend a whopping once a month, if I'm lucky... i see my friends less than that. I hardly have the chance to leave the house anymore, cept to go grocery shopping... yeap.. my only public interaction is with the person at the cash register... if I'm not in the middle of something, and can leave the house, that is, when I'm invited to go... lol ugh... oh, and on top of that? The guy that was suppose to fix the laptops was hospitalized... I'm not mad about that, ya can't exactly stop a stroke from happening, when one is happening. I'm upset about the situation.... and now that he's all better, he's gonna work on the other laptop first. The one that's not mine, because he doesn't know if mine is fixable... and I don't know anyone who'd be willing to fix it for free, cuz I don't have any money, and I need my own computer so I can store all my work related information on it, and it not be cluttered with anything else.... and I need to to be portable. as far as i know, it just needs a hard drive... and i found one online, so its not like its that hard... but like I said don't know anyone that would be willing to fix it for free, as my pockets are empty. I CAN pay them back for it slowly, but who's gonna pay out of pocket for something like that, and get a slow return on it? ugh... yeah... ANOTHER stick in the spokes to keep the wheel from turning.... yeah.... my life is just GRAND... its gotten to the point where i don't like making plans anymore, because of that mean ole stick..... and I'm afraid to leave the house because of the pigs. Most of the stuff they can get to, isn't mine, but that's not the point... i live here too, and i don't want the house destroyed.... *sigh* help....
  14. i just sent the room mates to the store with a list of foods that I can eat. I just hope that they don't get just one or two things and then stock up on crap they all the time eat (and they wonder why they are still fatties lol) so here's to hoping.
  15. yeap, thanks. i sent you an e-mail back lol :)

  16. *BUMP* Oh yes, and if you have some old patters laying around that you aren't using. no matter how gawd awful they are, if they are in good shape, I'll take those as well. thanks everyone.
  17. Hey beautiful! Welcome to DGN! :)

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