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Everything posted by GothicRavenGoddess

  1. I am going bloody mad.... I'm getting stressed out every day. losing sleep. all the damn animals are going crazy. certain people in my life won't do their part in the home, and I am an unpaid nanny, and housekeeper... you'd think that I'd be losing weight, because of all the stress, but I'm not... least then, it would be worth it... ugh.... I'm irritable... and that certain person stated above (an no, they aren't on DGN), can't seem to get it through their head as to why... I feel like a den mother in a frat house..... I am lonely.... I hate being so far away from EVERYONE. only people I see are my room mates... And aside from all the stress, i love them dearly... but its like living with family. I need to get out and see more faces.... the most important face I want to see..... I miss him so much... My Smizmar........but my pockets are so poor, I don't even have lint.... lol Sadly, I live too far from any of my friends, and with the price of gas... yeah.... my social life = suck
  2. ok hun, I look forward to hearing from you. :)

  3. I watched that, too. Today its's True Calling.
  4. watching CSI, and chatting with a friend on YIM.
  5. a little annoyed, a little tired, somewhat lonely, a little horny.... mostly lonely, though... I know how TitsMcGee feels about needing to get out and see the real world. I live with two people, but they are all I see these days. I miss my DGN family, and my boo-boo as well. :
  6. oh wow. i remember when 32 would hang off my hips and a little of my tummy showed. :( i can't WAIT to be that small again!!!! lol slowly! Congratulations, by the way!!!
  7. bored at home..... yeah... that's about all i feel these days, on top of everything else I'm feeling...
  8. Some information I found on Hemp Seed, Nut and Oil.
  9. some noodles... yeah, and I love every second of it. lol its got some beef and some pork, and some eggs and some bean sprouts... I am really going to pay for it later, but I'll just have to work out really hard lol
  10. it could be both.. as for me: a little anxious about getting my pictures back from the photoshoot I had, earlier this month.... I'm also happy because I have the greatest boyfriend in the world (in my book, anyways), and i miss him, dearly. I'm excited about my online store... I can start putting my stuff on there, soon.
  11. well, they aren't a couple, but it is a pretty cute picture. lmao and besides, if they are in the same building, they aren't too far from each other. lol
  12. Hey, Chernobyl, you need to update your ticker I been looking at a white box with the words "Not updated for more than 80 days, please update" for a while now lol
  13. it wasn't in here. I started a big and beautiful thread, and someone turned it into a bashing fat people thread. I won't say who it was, but all you have to do is look it up and read it for yourself.
  14. yeah, it turned into a "lets bash all the fatties" thread....
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