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Everything posted by GothicRavenGoddess

  1. well, I don't mind what goes on there... lol getting to you may also be and issue, BUT I will ask aroud and see what's going on... Just tell me when, and I'll be there, lady. (granted Stephie can get me there, that is) What a very awesome idea.... just shoot me a PM, and I'll talk to Steph about it. I'll be with Chris, after the photoshoot, so that weekend's booked.. and of course, I'm supose to spend the weekend with Chris the weekend of the 20th, for the birthday thing.. granted that I can even get there... so maybe the week of Xmas? so the foods don't get stail and go bad? Yeah, I'm going to do some looking around, and see what I can get... I may ask steph to take me up to JoAnn's just to turn in an application I filled out, even if we can't get me dreadfall suppplies.. i have gone thus far without some, I'll live... *sigh* I NEED something.. Hell, I'll even clean people's houses for some $$... as long as its not insanly large... and maybe help rehang doors, or help out with projects that require more than one person, and no one's gotten around to it, cuz they needed an extra set of hands.. (and no, you perverts, I don't mean anything sexual... geeze... sex, always on the brain... ) But yeah...I can do that, granted its not too far away, since I will be driven there by my room mate.. PM me for details if you are interested.. anyone! lol As for how I feel: loved by my Angel. ^j^ hun, you always look out for me, thanks, love. I appreciate it. I'm still worried about what i said in my previous post, but it doesn't hurt as much...
  2. you were peeking at my profile... you could have called me. :p

  3. a little worried... December 20th, there's supose to be a birthday thing for me and my friend (Slogo) but with the cash flow the way that it is, I may not be able to attend my own birthday party.... *sigh* I don't know.. getting there may not be an issue, but getting home, more than likely would, since I'd be staying the night at the hotel... who knows. I may not be able to go... another year, down the toilet.. happy fucking birthday to me....... don't know why I'm surprised. I haven't had a good birthday since i was 18, and before that, not since I was really little... so.. this comes as no surprise that things may just not work out.... *sigh* I'll be lucky to make it to Ferndale for Christmas... stupid job.. ppl haven't contacted me back.. they were out of town... how hard is it to send an e-mail says "thanks.. we got your e-mail, we will send you a relpy once we make it back into town and are settled" I got nothing, yet... so... I'm broke as hell... people are getting me things for Christmas, and I don't even have the $$ to buy supplies to make people gifts... (me making my dreadfalls, is because my room mate is buying the stuff, and even THAT is a big question mark as to if it will actually happen, because of money) i HATE the holidays... seems everything is crashing down on me all at once... :cries
  4. What I have: 3 in each ear, they use to be gauged as such: two bottom holes were 4, second ones were 6, and the top was a 16.. I slowly lost all me earings, and now they have shrunk... my bottoms could probably fit an 8, and since me seconds got infected they are back down to a standard stud size... and one top most is till a 16, the other is a standard stud size.... What I miss, and looked REALLY good on me: left eyebrow, which didn't take, cuz it wasn't done deep enough (I now have $20 scar...), and my right nostril, which I did myself, while living with my dad... I moved back with mom, and she hated it... *sigh* what I find attractive: (and I don't actually mean all on one body, either ) ~large plugs, on either sex (earlobes ) ~eyebrow, depends on their face, but I do like on both... eyebrows can't be too thin/thick... otherwise it sticks out like a sore thumb, or you can't see it... lol ~nose, on either, as long as wearing a ring to suit their face... ~if done tastefully: any below the waist.. penis, vagina... as long as the rings aren't too big, or the barbells too long.. ~snakebits, on either sex ~labret, on either sex ~center lip ring on full lipped either sex. if you have a really thin lip, stick to side liprings.. either or... ~the cheek peircings (you know, the ones done where the dimples would be, if one had them) that only looks good on ladies.. ~if one could pull it off.... those chest peircings... the ones that but the balls over each boob or down the center of the cleavage... yeah... (not this, but I found it interesting that there's a "corset" peircing done on the chest) whoever did this, did it really well, and knew what they were doing... not for me, but looks cool... and oh, those "corset" peircings are neat, but to me, its dumb as hell... If I can think of anything else, I'll let you know... lol Keep in mind that not all peircings look good on every body... so what looks good on you, might not look good on someone else.. and if you plan to get a peiricing, get a fake magnetic one, first, just to test out what it looks like.. don't do something blindly.. that's dumb...
  5. being bored out me mind... I think that I'm gonna go to bed soon, and get up early.. I keep putting off making the second panel of my curtains... ugh.... I DON'T WANNA!!! lol
  6. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  7. Within Temptation!!! and of course, this band:
  8. very disapointed in people. They are rude and cruel, and what's worse, they don't even realize they were. (I'e done that, before, but the thing is, I understood once it was explaned to me that I was being mean... I don't think that that person will understand, once I explane it... ) I hope that they understand if I don't talk to them for a while. I'm really upset by what happened. If you want to know what happened, PM me. I'm not going into detail on here...... Losing faith in humanity.....
  9. wondering what everyone else is doing, and ignoring the big black purring pussy in my lap... also wondering how some of the topics in here could have gotten so... offtopic... wishing that I could sleep.. i have a big day ahead of me.. (i totally put off making those damn curtains, and I need to get to it.... not only that, but we are cleaning the carpets, as well) So, I'm sitting here, dreading all that... lol oh, and I'm sitting here, watching Angel, and drinking Peach Faygo, and IMing my baby...
  10. ^_^ thanks! Its not what I expected, and i ad hoped that all of it would look like my roots, but my hair was still dark from dying it black 4 years ago (it hasn't all grown out yet) so until then, my hair will have several tones to it... lol I like it, though, it looks cool.
  11. I just died my hair, tonight.. this is my hair now. don't let the top fool you... only that part is that bright... the rest is kinda a brown color....
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